
Monday 21 July 2014

11 Most Unique Words to Use in Your Compliments.

11 Most Unique Words to Use in Your Compliments.

Giving compliments is a magical thing that makes people smile and feel happy. Nowadays there’s a tendency to use more exquisite words while giving compliments. We usually say ‘cool’ or ‘beautiful’ forgetting that there are many others more wonderful words. When we use compliments, we become more charming and create harmonious relationship with people around us. Most of us are already tired of casual compliments and require some innovation. Check out the list of the marvelous words, which can make anyone smile and shine.
Most Unique Words to Use in Your Compliments

1. Enticing

‘To be enticed’ means to be greatly attracted to or interested in something. So you may find your friends’ idea or offer enticing. This way you show that you are concerned with the idea.

2. Wondrous

No doubt that such a word will generate a flash of joy in your heart. This word is a rare thing and we use it when we are dealing with someone very special for us. ‘Wondrous’ is an upgraded form of the word ‘wonderful,’ but it sounds better and more exquisite.

3. Stunning

When you see someone looking gorgeous and great, you are welcome to use this little compliment. Unfortunately, this word is used very rare, so try to find the high time to get it in usage. After all, it’s not difficult to say your friend, “You look stunning today.” You can make her day a bit brighter.

4. Breathtaking

Such word as ‘breathtaking’ can be used only in several occasions. It is mostly suitable when you’ve got a great dose of adrenaline doing something extraordinary. Furthermore, you can look breathtaking that gives you absolute confidence.

5. Majestic

When you hear the word ‘majestic,’ you know that it means something noble and excellent. When you say this charming word, you show your delight with a person you are giving a compliment.

6. Elegant

Elegant people are dignified and graceful in appearance, having some royal taste in style and appropriate behavior. That is extremely pleasant to be rewarded with such a compliment.

7. Lovely

Love is a magnificent thing that makes our hearts shine and make us do extraordinary and wonderful things in life. We can also tell someone that they are a lovely person. This compliment makes people happy, as they realize how much we love and adore them.

8. Angelic

This word is used only when you are charmed by the delicate and magical beauty of a bride. Moreover, kids can look angelic. People wearing casual or club style clothes cannot look angelic, so keep this compliment for the most special occasion.

9. Fetching

Sometimes when people try to impress someone, they pay great attention to what others find appealing and dress accordingly. If we say that they are very attractive, it will sound quite banal. We can find their personality fetching and make them smile and feel more confident.

10. Sensuous

When you find a woman extremely fascinating and feminine, be more creative in your compliments. You may sound more greatly, if you say ‘sensuous.’ This word has a very special and deep meaning.

11. Striking

If someone appears and draws everyone’s attention with their new style, you may express your amazement by telling them about their striking look. Striking means extreme or unusual in a way that attracts a lot of attention.
Giving or receiving compliments is a wonderful and positive thing. Just try to make this world happier by telling each other warm and wondrous words. It seems everyone likes to be praised, especially if we hear pleasant phrases from our beloved people. Compliments make us more self-confident and joyous, especially if they are said in a suitable moment. What compliments do you find the most wonderful?

Friday 18 July 2014

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? Try Coffee.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? Try Coffee.

The decision to get healthy usually involves exercise, stress reduction, and diet. People join a gym, buy relaxation CDs and change their eating habits. They reduce fat and sugar consumption, eat more vegetables, increase fiber intake, and cut out caffeine. The cup of coffee each morning is a thing of the past. Although these people may think they are changing their health for the better, they may actually be opening themselves up for more health issues in the long run.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Try Coffee
Only in recent years have the benefits of red wine been published. Similarly, many experts today believe that caffeine, especially that found in coffee, can be a benefit to health if not overindulged. Coffee can be part of a healthy diet.

Cognitive benefits

Several recent studies indicate that coffee may help prevent dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease. Its consumption appears to increase the efficacy of short-term memory, allowing people to cope more easily with routine tasks. Scores on tests were also higher after coffee. Elderly people who regularly drank coffee performed even better in these studies than their counterparts. Researchers conclude that coffee seems to benefit long term cognitive abilities.

Blood sugar benefits

A recent Harvard study’s findings indicate that daily coffee drinkers may also be less likely to develop type 2 Diabetes. Other studies have supported this conclusion, indicating that the risk may be cut in half for those who drink coffee.

Cancer prevention benefits

Coffee contains methylpyridinium, a compound found to prevent cancer, a compound found only in roasted coffee beans. Methylpyridinium’s effects are potent enough that studies have indicated coffee consumption can reduce the chances of liver, oral, and prostate cancers.

Oral care benefits

Coffee can even benefit oral health. Another element in coffee, trigonelline, contains anti-bacterial and anti-adhesive properties. These components can actually help prevent cavities.

Still, moderation is key

Many of these studies found that regular consumption of coffee did not equal extreme consumption. They found little or no difference between the health benefits of 3-5 cups and 6 or more. And of course, too much caffeine can cause health issues, as well.
So the answer appears to be moderation. When changing habits to develop healthier ones, giving up coffee entirely may not be the best answer. While reducing the number of cups may be a good idea, especially if intake is more than 5 cups a day, drinking somewhere around 3 cups might be a good part of a healthy daily routine. The long-term health benefits might just offset the risks for most consumers.
“Health Effects of Coffee.”
Sid Kirchheimer. “Coffee: The New Health Food?”

White Teeth – Good First Impression.

White Teeth – Good First Impression.

As much as we tell each other that it’s what is on the inside that counts, the hard truth is that your outward appearance is what you will often be judged on. White teeth can play an important part in a good first impression, opening important doors in your life.
White Teeth Good First Impression
It is human nature to analyse visual input and make decisions on character before a single word is spoken. Most people don’t have the money or the desire to undertake painful and expensive surgery. The best way to make a good impression on a first date, job interview or important event is to look the best you can. Proper clothing, grooming and hygiene are important, and a bright smile can be one of the best keys to a positive impression. Knowing your teeth are sparking can also help you exude confidence in any situation.
The first key is examining your habits. Here are some regular every day causes of discoloration and what you can do about them:


Coffee – In today’s fast-paced, low-sleep world coffee has become a daily necessity for many busy people. The dark color of coffee will stain any surface, whether it’s a t-shit or your pearly whites. The more you drink the more your teeth will be stained. If you are a frequent coffee drinker, keeping up frequent brushing and good oral hygiene will help slow the staining process.


Cola – The popularity of Cola is something that helps keep dentists in business. Not only do to the sugars in cola wear away tooth enamel and contribute to cavities, but the dark color makes them another prime culprit in tooth staining, for the same reasons as coffee.

Fruit Juice

Fruit Juice – Any dark fruit juice will stain your teeth, the most obvious one being grape juice. Grape juice is full of anthocyanins, which gives grapes their purple or red colors. Anthocyanins are a great anti-oxidant and a key part of a healthy diet. Unfortunately the pigment also stains teeth. Some fruit juices also have just as much sugar as cola and will wear away tooth enamel.


Alcohol – Many types of alcohol contain dark pigments that will stain your teeth. A prime example is wine. Just like grape juice, red wine is loaded with anthocyanin pigments. Some wine enthusiast suggest rinsing your mouth with water or white wine after drinking red in order to slow the staining process.


Smoking – We’ve all heard about the many negative health affects of smoking, such as heart disease and cancer. Smoking is also a big culprit for the discoloration of teeth. Quitting smoking is obviously a good choice, but even after quitting your teeth can still be stained from years of tobacco use.
Today many people are weary of possible side effect caused by harsh chemicals that may be in many commercial teeth whitening products. Here are a few natural remedies and products to consider if you’d like to create a whiter smile:

Baking soda

Baking Soda – A long standing home remedy, baking soda can be used in a variety of ways to whiten teeth. Some people swear by brushing once a week with a paste made of baking soda and water, others sprinkle some onto their regular tooth paste before brushing 2-3 times per week. The web holds a number of other baking soda based whitening formulas for tech savvy searchers. Although baking soda can work, it has to be used frequently, but over use can actually be too abrasive and wear away tooth enamel.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil – One home remedy is to soak a cotton swab or dry cosmetic pad with olive oil. Practitioners recommend you rub all visible teeth with the olive oil for approximately 10 minutes then brush your teeth as you normally would. This method is known for being very low impact and often necessitates you repeat the process several times consecutively. This method can become very time consuming, and may not be the best option if you don’t have up to an hour to spend on teeth whitening at least twice per week.


Peroxide – Peroxide is well known for its bleaching effects. One method often used is to combine two fluid ounces of hydrogen peroxide with three ounces of water and then rinse your mouth with the formula for several minutes the same way you would with mouth wash. It’s important to note that overuse of peroxide can also damage your teeth and that peroxide should never be swallowed as it can make you very ill.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser Teeth Whitening – A newer more high tech option available at your dentist’s office. UV lasers are shone through a special machine directly at your teeth and the effects simulate the same effect as tooth bleaching. Although the UV laser treatment does offer immediate results, it can be expensive and can damage teeth just like bleaching if done often. The full health effects of the laser radiation are yet to be fully studied and could potentially be harmful.
Regardless of how you choose to whiten your teeth, it can’t be denied that everyone is attracted to a bright, white smile. When you are looking forward to an important event or meeting, don’t overlook the importance of making sure that your teeth are at their whitest. It could be the key to landing the big job or making a connection with that important someone!

Is That Really the Hot Tub You Want?

Is That Really the Hot Tub You Want?

A hot tub can be a wonderfully therapeutic addition to your household. Hot tubs help relieve stress, relax muscles and even help with some physical ailments. But they can also be a hefty financial investment. Before purchasing a hot tub, you should carefully consider what you will really use it for and buy accordingly.
Is That Really the Hot Tub You Want

Housing situation

For one thing, consider your housing situation. If you are living in a house you own and intend to be there for a while, a larger tub, 5- to 7-person, can be a good choice. If you expect to move soon or will be renting in the near future, a portable hot tub might be better. The larger to tub, the more difficult and expensive it is to move. A bigger issue is where to place the tub. Larger models need a solid concrete base; an empty 7-person hot tub typically weighs nearly 1,000 pounds. You also need access to a 220 outlet for a big tub. Smaller, portable hot tubs often run on 110 and don’t need as much security beneath them since they are much lighter. Being lighter, of course, also makes them easier to move. The number of people who will be using the tub will also make a difference. Portable hot tubs often seat only two people, and neither can lie down. Many 5- and 7-person tubs have lounge seats that take the place of two, so someone using the lounge in the largest tub still allows 5 people to join in.


Typically, bigger tubs also have more jets. While the number of jets may not seem important to you, without enough jets, the hot tub is more like a slowly circulating bath. If you are considering the hot tub for physically therapeutic reasons, get more jets. Of course, salespeople will probably tell you that you want the most jets possible, but that isn’t necessarily true. You don’t need the highest number available, but don’t settle for the least because it’s a little cheaper.


Although portable hot tubs don’t often have the option, the larger models may have a feature that allows the tub to run and heat at the same time. Of course, this adds expense to your purchase. However, if you will be enjoying the outdoor tub in the winter on a cold night, it might be more comfortable to have the tub at optimum temperature before you get in it and have it heating while you are there. In such situations, tubs will lose heat just by being opened, and a few degrees can feel very different on your skin. If you intend to use the tub only in warmer weather or inside, then don’t waste your money on this feature.

Used hot tub

Finally, consider buying a used hot tub. People are often finding they just don’t use the tubs as much as they thought, or they can’t afford them because of the added expenses like water, electricity and chemicals. Sometimes they just need some quick cash, and a hot tub usually has a pretty big wad of money tied up. Auctions, internet sources and local want ads are all great places to find used tubs. You can often find deals on tubs that are fairly new and are ¼ the price of a new one. Be sure to find out about shipping and delivery costs and arrangements before you leap. Even if the warranty is not transferable, most tub companies cover the plumbing and motor for five years or less, so you aren’t really missing out on a guarantee if you get a good enough price. While buying a hot tub is not typically an impulse purchase, you might be unhappy with the product long-term if you don’t carefully consider these issues before buying. Read reviews, visit showrooms to actually see differences, and carefully compare the factors that matter most to you. Then you will have a hot tub that gives you years of enjoyment.

How to Avoid an Upset Stomach.

How to Avoid an Upset Stomach.

Getting an upset stomach is definitely no party for anyone, and though eating may be one of the last things on your mind when you have an upset stomach, it is still important to feed your body. So what should you eat that won`t make the situation worse?
How to Avoid an Upset Stomach

1. Avoid certain types of food

Note when it comes to eating when you have an upset stomach is what not to eat. It is always best to avoid any foods that are particularly greasy or sugary, especially fried foods.

2. Stay hydrated

Dehydration is always a concern when it comes to illness, especially if your upset stomach involves vomiting or diarrhea. Staying hydrated is vital since your body needs the precious water to help flush out waste, bacteria or virus that may be causing your upset stomach. Water, hot teas, and sports drinks are always a good choice, but if your upset stomach comes with any other symptoms that make it difficult to drink, popsicles are an excellent way to keep yourself hydrated without drinking.
Teas are an perfect choice especially if you use some herbal knowledge to brew a great stomach-soothing mix. Ginger and fennel is great since the fennel is a natural remedy for gas and stomach cramps, and ginger is a fabulous natural soother of upset stomachs. Mint, cinnamon, and thyme also make great teas because they help move wastes out of the system. The warmth of the teas is always a welcome and soothing property alone.
It is worth to mention that modern ginger ale has little to no actual ginger in it, so unless you just enjoy drinking it when you`re sick, it really isn`t helping you in this respect. However, the carbonation in modern ginger ale and other sodas is sometimes soothing, so they could be a good choice as long as they are non-caffeinated since the caffeine can upset your stomach even more.

3. Keep stomach in comfort

Clear soups like plain broths or chicken noodle are always a good choice. Not only are they gentle on the system, but they`re comforting and they help keep you feeling warm even if you have a fever with your upset stomach. Other bland foods like apple sauce, oatmeal, bananas, crackers, rice and boiled chicken are all usually do not aggravate an upset stomach, so you can feel confident making a meal out of any of them.
Since everyone has different body what constitutes a good light meal for your upset stomach may spell an even more unhappy tummy for someone else. That is why it`s always important that you trust your intuition and instincts when it comes to any suggestion.

10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Freckles.

10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Freckles.

Freckles are a very common blemish, particularly for those with light skin. While they can be a sign of sun damage, you are more or less prone to them depending on genetics. These little brown spots can appear anywhere on the body, though hands and face are usually the most affected. You can often get rid of these marks with medical methods, but most people try home remedies first. Here are a few methods you might want to try yourself. But make sure you consult your doctor or dermatologist first.
Ways to Get Rid of Freckles

1. Bleach cream

Bleach cream
To get rid of spots and discolored skin, you can use a bleaching cream. There are several available to you, but it is a good idea to test the cream on a hidden area of your body first. Some creams can cause a reaction as they are rather strong. They may also cause your skin to darken instead of lighten, so testing the effects on your own skin is a good idea.

2. Lasers

You can have freckles removed with lasers. This can be fairly quick and is good for those who have large freckles. However, you will need to be sure that none of the spots are cancerous. Skin cancer can be insidious and may be disguised as a simple blemish. Consult your doctor first.

3. Lactic acid

Lactic acid
Spread some sour cream over the areas that are affected by freckles and you can gently fade them. It can take a number of treatments, however, so you may want to invest in a few large tubs of sour cream. Alternatively, you can use sour milk.

4. Chemical peels

Chemical peels
If you are determined to get rid of your blemishes, you can eliminate them with a chemical peel. Since the peel removes several layers of skin, it can get rid of any irregularities that are on the surface. Home peels are not usually a good idea, as they do not have the right strength to eliminate all blemishes and can be difficult to administer yourself. Your best bet is to see a dermatologist for this type of procedure. It will leave your skin raw for a few days, but it will heal smoothly and usually blemish free.

5. Freezing

You can also freeze your freckles, though this may be best left to a professional. Essentially, you use liquid nitrogen on the spot. This creates a blister, which causes the discolored skin to fall off after a few days. It can be a very harsh treatment, however, so you should never repeat treatments in the same area within a week.

6. Fruit and vegetable facials

 Fruit and vegetable facials
Another popular home remedy is to use certain fruits and vegetables on your face. Making your own face mask is easy. Just toss the desired ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth. Spread the mask on your skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes. Good options include apricots, strawberries and cucumbers. Parsley juice mixed with lemon juice is also a good choice.

7. Lemon juice

Lemon juice
The juice of lemons has long been used to create lighter skin. It can actually lighten your freckles naturally. However, the acid in the lemon juice may be irritating to your skin so test it on a small patch before you spread it over your entire face. You can apply just the juice or cut a lemon in half and rub it over the spots.

8. Vitamin C

Vitamin C
If you prefer a method of getting rid of freckles that doesn’t involve smearing things on your face, you can take Vitamin C supplements. You can get this from certain foods, as well. Citrus is an excellent source of Vitamin C. It will help protect your skin from forming new freckles by making it more resistant to the sun’s rays. You can also avoid the sun, particularly around midday, when the UV rays are strongest.

9. Eggplant

Slice fresh eggplant and apply to the most affected areas. You can gently massage the eggplant slice into your skin to help release the juices. Leave the slices on your skin for at least ten minutes. If you do this on a daily basis, you will notice a definite reduction in a week or two.

10. Castor oil

Castor oil
Both castor oil and Vitamin E oil can work to remove blemishes. At bedtime, wash your face with soap and water and rinse well. Dry your face with a towel. Apply the chosen oil to your freckles and let it soak in for ten minutes before you head to bed. In the morning, you can wipe the oil away and rinse your face. Don’t apply anything else, for best results. Repeat until your freckles have faded away.
Everyone has a home remedy for eliminating blemishes. You can either treat them yourself or see a dermatologist for a more serious method. While the harsher techniques will work faster, many of the home remedies are also very effective over time.

8 Tips for Making Worthwhile Fashion Investments.

8 Tips for Making Worthwhile Fashion Investments.

Making worthwhile fashion investments can be really hard, especially if you are used to splurging on the clothing and fashion accessories. Check out a few things to consider before making fashion investments, such as designer clothing and accessories.
 Tips for Making Worthwhile Fashion Investments

1. Take your time

If you want to make a big fashion investment, make sure you take your time. Impulse purchases sometimes lead to buyer’s remorse. Just make sure you really want that thing. Instead of buying it at once, go home, think it over and sleep on it. This will help you to make a decision away from the pressure of a sales environment.

2. Take your budget into account

Always take your budget into account, when you are looking at making fashion investments. What seems expensive to one person may not seem so to another. Always spend within your means, since there is no point purchasing something you will be paying off for a few years. Don’t make fashion investments if you don’t have the cash. Come up with realistic savings or payment plan.

3. Calculate the cost per wear

Calculating the cost per wear of an item before purchasing it is one of the best ways to see if you are making a worthwhile fashion investment. I always divide a cost of the thing by number of times I will wear it. For instance, wearing a blazer which costs $200 around 50 times will equate to about $1 per wear. So that $30 top that you wear only once will cost you $30.

4. Make sure it suits your personal style

Before buying an item make sure that it’ll suit your personal style. There is no point purchasing something just because everyone else has one or because it is in fashion now. Before buying an item, visualize different outfit combinations with the clothes you have in your wardrobe. If you come up with many, then you can buy it!

5. Pay attention to the quality

When buying clothing or accessories, you should always pay attention to its quality. If you are going to be splurging then choose items which are worth the money. Check the level of craftsmanship and the quality of the material. If you are not sure about the quality or the item feels cheap, wait until you find the item that is worth to spend your money on.

6. Stick to classic and timeless designs

Sticking with classic, timeless designs is one of the best ways to ensure that your fashion investment never goes out of style. Try to spend less on trend-based things that change with the seasons and more on items that will last for years.

7. Shop around

Nowadays you really need to think twice before paying full price for anything. And with online shopping, comparing prices and items it is easier than ever! If you can buy it at a reduced cost or on sale then that’s certainly a worthwhile fashion investment!

8. Check the care instructions

Some things, especially designer clothing, may still cost you after buying. Certain fabrics or delicate items may be dry clean only. You will not only be paying the initial price, but you will also be paying a lot when you clean it. So make sure you check the care instructions before buying something.
Have you ever made any big fashion purchases? Do you have any other tips for making worthwhile fashion investments? Share your thoughts, please!

8 Ways to Be Stylish on a Budget.

8 Ways to Be Stylish on a Budget.

Looking for some ways to be stylish on a budget? If you live from paycheck to paycheck it doesn’t mean that you must sacrifice style over budget! Here are a few great ways on how to be stylish on a budget!
Ways to Be Stylish on a Budget

1. Shop the budget-wise way

If you are on a budget it doesn’t mean that you should forget about shopping! You can’t afford to shop at expensive stores, of course, but thrift stores, outlet places, and garage sales are great places to find really inexpensive and nice things. But be selective about what you purchase. Inspect for any wear and tear and make sure it is something you really want.

2. Sell your used clothing

Selling your used clothing is another way to be stylish on a budget. By selling your used clothing you accomplish three things! You make room for the things you really need or want. You make some money to buy new clothes and you’re helping out other women who also want to be stylish on a budget.

3. Buy classic pieces

Classic pieces seem never go out of style! Invest in a basic white button-down shirt, dark skinny jeans, a neutral blazer and a pencil skirt. Once you have these things, you can easily change up your look with the help of accessories and shoes, and still look effortlessly stylish without spending lots of money!

4. Learn to sew

Learning to sew can be easy and it will help to transform your maxi dress into a maxi skirt! If you really sew well, you can buy material and make an absolutely new outfit without spending lots of money!

5. Invest in accessories

Accessories don’t cost very much and they are perfect for the woman who wants to be stylish on a budget! Accessories can really add something to your overall look or even change it up. Look for sales on bags, scarves, jewellery, hats, and shoes.

6. Keep up with the latest beauty trends

Keeping up with the latest beauty trends is one of the best ways to look stylish on a budget. I’m not going to tell you to buy a lot of new beauty products, but try to keep your look current. A neutral or smoky eye never goes out of style, and a nude nail polish can finish off your look. You should also pay attention to your hairstyle.

7. Borrow from your friends

When it comes to special occasions it can be very difficult to be stylish on a budget. Formal wear is very hard to find and it is so expensive. But don’t panic! Think of borrowing from your friends. But make sure you give the dress back in the condition your friend lent it to you!

8. Layering is your friend

Seriously, no matter the occasion layering can look stylish! And it’s certainly a good way to wear the same clothes over and over again without making it too obvious. Be daring and creative and when in doubt ask your friend or mom for her opinion. And don’t be afraid to mix patterns or textures!
Finding out ways to be stylish on a budget is not so difficult. Just try to think outside the box! Do you know any great ways to be stylish on a budget? Share your thoughts, please!

7 Tips on How to Dress Better.

7 Tips on How to Dress Better.

Tips for dressing better are the hot topic today! I’m not going to encourage you to buy more things so put your credit cards away! I want to share a few ways to dress better you will be able to use immediately!
Tips on How to Dress Better

1. Keep your best outfits ready

Have you ever thought about how many good outfits you’ve missed wearing just because you were in a hurry and didn’t have time for ironing them? And what about those outfits that might have been a perfect option, had they been washed on time? If you want to dress better you should always keep your outfits clean, and ironed so you can take them off the hangers and wear whenever you want to.

2. Take care of your garments

When it comes to dressing better, maintenance is the key, since even the most expensive of garments may look cheap if they’re sporting lots of signs of poor and neglect maintenance! From stains to scuffs, faded colors and frays, nothing can hinder your efforts to find ways to dress better more than the good tear attitude and old wear. Take care of your outfits and you will be able to wear them for many years to come.

3. Look for tricks

Don’t be afraid to use all of those tricks that fashion gurus have been revealing, discussing and collecting over the years. They might help you to dress better and look great and sexy!

4. Embellish

Don’t be afraid to reach for your jewellery box, a hair embellishment or a scarf when you feel that your outfit lacks something to look great. You will be amazed to know that a simple act of matching a few bangles or stacking two your necklaces can completely transform your look!

5. Browse through fashion blogs

It may seem like a waste of time to browse through fashion blogs, but fashion magazines, websites and blogs are great sources of ideas! Find a few fashion blogs, bookmark them and visit from time to time. You will be bursting with new ideas, which can help you to dress better!

6. Pay attention to details

Many of us often overlook such details as size, fit and finish. Don’t try to fit into a smaller size because this will definitely do nothing to improve your look. When you shop, do it smart and check the labels just to make sure the material is worth the price you are paying. Don’t buy flawed pieces and be sure to buy the garment that works best for your figure.

7. Plan in advance

Planning in advance is another great way to dress better. Use those precious minutes before going to bed and think about your outfit choices for the next day. You can do it in the shower or while cleaning, cooking or drying/styling your hair. You will not only save time, but also dress better.
As you see it’s not so difficult to dress better without spending lots of money! Do you have any other tips on how to dress better? Share your thoughts, please

7 Day to Night Dresses Every Woman Should Have.

7 Day to Night Dresses Every Woman Should Have.

Day to night dresses are very versatile and I think every woman should have them in her wardrobe. It can be difficult to find dresses that can transition from day to night, but it’s a smart way to be stylish on a budget. When looking at day to night dresses, be sure to stick to pared-down and polished styles. Here are a few day to night dresses you should have in your wardrobe!
 Day to Night Dresses Every Woman Should Have

1. The little white dress

One of the best day to night dresses every woman should have in her closet is a structured little white dress. During the day this dress can look neat and polished, but if you add a little bling on at night it will be quite the dazzling outfit!

2. The plain black dress

I don’t know any woman who doesn’t have the plain black dress. The plain black dress is extremely versatile. You can wear your black dress with your denim jacket and patent shoes during the day and you can dress it up at night with a bright lipstick and a statement necklace.

3. The black and white print dress

The black and white print dress is really versatile and good option for the day and night. I have three bold black and white print dresses and they actually help me to be stylish on a budget. I like wearing my black and white print dresses during the day with some gold jewellery and slouchy white or black blazers.

4. The color block dress

Make your every day and night dynamic with a color block dress. Perhaps the best thing about color block dresses is that they are eye-catching yet simply elegant. Be sure to keep the accessories simple during the day and pop on some dangly earrings at night.

5. The colorful dress

Brighten up your wardrobe with a colorful dress. For instance, a bright blue dress is ideal for wearing during the day and night. You can style your dress casually during the day and at night, add a statement layered necklace. And be sure to switch from a big day bag over to a nice and compact clutch.

6. The wrap dress

The wrap dress is also a versatile day to night option. Opt for a demure, midi-length design that makes it ideal for working a sophisticated and polished daytime look. You can wear your dress with your sandals or ballet flats during the day and with your heels at night.

7. The maxi dress

A great casual option for the daytime, the maxi dress can also be glammed up at night. Column-style maxi dresses are always a great option. Wear your maxi dress during the day with embellished sandals and a floppy hat for a bohemian-inspired look and then dress it up at night with some glamazon makeup and plenty of metallic jewellery.
Which one of these day to night dresses do you have? Do you know any other day to night dresses every woman should have? Share your thoughts, please!

Thursday 17 July 2014

9 Incredible Reasons to Eat Pumpkin Seeds Right Now.

9 Incredible Reasons to Eat Pumpkin Seeds Right Now.

Pumpkin is known to be a very tasty vegetable that has a lot of essential nutrients. For most of us, pumpkin seeds can be also a great and yummy snack. But we don’t even guess that these seeds are extremely beneficial for our health. Our snacks should be both tasty and wholesome, but, unfortunately, such food isn’t easy to find. We usually give preference to some fruits or vegetables like apples, bananas, carrots and many others. If you try to add pumpkin seeds to your eating plan, you’ll discover their numerous health benefits. Here are the most convincing reasons due to which you should start eating pumpkin seeds right now.
Incredible Reasons to Eat Pumpkin Seeds Right Now

1. High in Proteins

To my mind, this is one of the greatest benefits of these vegetable seeds. I should say you can’t find any other seeds that are so rich in proteins. For example, if you eat only one ounce of pumpkin seeds, you will supply your body with 9.30 grams of protein. Perhaps you don’t know but protein is really necessary for our body to build skin, muscles, bones, blood and cartilage. Moreover, these seeds are a wonderful substitute of meat for vegans.

2. Help to Prevent Cancer

Nowadays we are subjected to different diseases, but cancer is the most terrible and dangerous of them. You’ll be surprised to know that by eating pumpkin seeds regularly you can protect yourself from the risk of cancer. A great number of antioxidants make this food so advantageous for your health. Scientists’ researches have shown that these seeds contribute greatly to the prevention of cancer, especially breast cancer.

3. They Are Full of Antioxidants

Another reason why you should include pumpkin seeds into your diet is because of their high concentration of antioxidants, which strengthen our immune system and enable our body to resist various diseases. What are these useful antioxidants that pumpkin seeds contain? Take a look at them:
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc and manganese
  • Caffeic, syngic acid, sinapic and other phenolic antioxidants
  • Phytonutrients like pinoresinol, medioresinol and ligans lariciresinol

4. Anti-inflammatory Effects

If you have some inflamed areas on your skin, oil from pumpkin seeds will be the best remedy for you. It should be mentioned that this food can also help to treat arthritis. Doctors claim that these wholesome seeds affect our body in the same way as Indomethacin does. That is the medicine used for treating arthritis.

5. Diabetes Support

There are so many people throughout the world who suffer from diabetes. By eating pumpkin seeds they can relieve the painful symptoms of this disease. Generally, these people have lots of problems with their kidneys. At last, a great solution has been found! Consumption of pumpkin seeds will help you to protect your kidneys from the negative influence of the disease. It was found out that they stabilize your insulin regulation either. If you are one of those people who have diabetes you’d better go now to the supermarket and buy this healthy snack.
Reasons to Eat Pumpkin Seeds Right Now

6. Rich in Zinc

One of the greatest advantages of this food is that it is full of zinc. One ounce of seeds will give your body about 2 mg of this nutrient. So, it is advisable for you to include pumpkin seeds into your eating plan. As a result, you will improve your sleep, insulin regulation and you will forget about bad mood. To have a strong immunity you certainly need foods fortified with zinc. Do you often catch cold and flu in winter? Then, make sure to provide yourself with these tasty and healthy seeds.

7. Relieve Menopausal Symptoms

I would like to add that pumpkin seeds have a high concentration of phytoestrogens which usually influence our body positively. Try to eat this snack daily and you will be amazed with the results. Such symptoms of the menopause as headaches, hot flashes, joint pains and high blood pressure will never bother you.

8. Treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia can be treated with the help of pumpkin seeds and oils. Since they contain a wide range of beneficial nutrients, their role in the treatment of this illness cannot be overestimated. Scientists say that zinc, lignans and phytosterols are the most efficient antioxidants that help people to fight the disease. Pumpkin seeds are considered to improve prostate health. That’s why it is reasonable for your guy to eat them too.

9. Provide You with a Good Night Sleep

Does it take you much time to fall asleep at night? Surely, insomnia can make us nervous, irritated and it can lead to undesirable changes in our health. If you have tried a great deal of methods to overcome this problem, but none has helped you, I would recommend you to eat pumpkin seeds before bedtime. This food helps your body to get enough of hormones like melatonin and serotonin that provide you with a good sleep.
Now you can see that there are lots of reasons to include pumpkin seeds into your daily diet. Besides, the opportunities for their cooking and serving are endless. We all used to eat them as a snack, add to some homemade dishes like soup, cakes and breads. How often do you eat pumpkin seeds? Did you know about their health benefits before? Did they help you to improve your health

7 Incredible Benefits of Vitamin E.

7 Incredible Benefits of Vitamin E.

I’m sure you have heard much about vitamin E and its healthy properties. It is really a powerful antioxidant and its positive effects on people’s health cannot be doubted. It’s a proved fact that vitamin E is widely used in medicine and is also a popular additive to various kinds of cosmetics. Take any skincare product you have on your shelf and you will find it in the list of ingredients. So let’s take a closer look on the benefits of vitamin E.
Incredible Benefits of Vitamin E

1. Skin

Apart from being an ingredient of many skincare products Vitamin E may be used in its pure synthetic state to moisturize your skin. I tried it in the under-eye area and also on my lips. The effect didn’t make me wait long. It may also be applied as cuticle oil. The general effect it has on the skin is moisturizing, improving texture and even wrinkles reducing.

2. UV protection

The most hazardous thing about being in the sun for a long time is the UV rays which negatively affect our skin and may become the reason for skin cancer. Vitamin E may serve as a great and effective UV protector. You shouldn’t completely substitute your sunscreen by it though. Anyway moisturize your skin with the vitamin E oil before going out into the midday sun. At the same time you may protect your organism from the inside by consuming vitamin E rich products and supplements.

3. Hair

Vitamin E has become the most frequent ingredient added to shampoos, hair balms and masks. And no wonder why. The main its function is moisturizing. It nourishes damaged hair and dry skin of your head as well as hair follicles. Many stores offer various hair treatments mainly based on the miraculous properties of vitamin E. I’ve heard that vitamin E oil is a very popular hair treatment.

4. Brain

Modern scientists have recently come to a conclusion that vitamin E in all its forms plays a great role in brain health. It reduces the risk of dementia and mind cognitive impairment. But don’t rush to take the vitamin oil as an energy shot to become a new Einstein. You may be surprised but you may get overdosed with vitamins. So you’d better consult the doctor first and keep to the right dosage.

5. Heart

The researches have shown that consuming enough of vitamin E reduces the risk of heart attack and also reduces the risk of getting cardiovascular disease in general. In order to make your heart and vessels stronger and healthier you should get enough of vitamin E daily. The easiest way to accomplish this task is by taking supplements. But the best way to get all the necessary nutrients is to keep a healthy diet and eat product rich in vitamin E such as sunflower seeds, almonds and peanuts, and greens.

6. Blood cells

I think the most important effect vitamin E has on our bodies is its influence on blood. How does it work? This antioxidant helps your body produce new red blood cells and makes this process run smoothly. As you might know the main function of red cells is to deliver oxygen all over your body. As your tissues get enough oxygen they perform their function better and your overall health state gets better. Moreover, this prevents blood clots and also stimulates the blood vessels being in tonus.

7. Allergic asthma prevention

Did you know that the number of people with asthma all around the world is growing every year? It is the most common chronic disease among children. So the fact that vitamin E is helpful is a great news. The types of this antioxidant are α-tocopherol which is protective against allergic lung inflammation, and γ-tocopherol which is not. Moreover, the scientists claim that α-tocopherol is the most biologically active form and body requires a certain amount of vitamin C to recycle it. In order to receive the desired effect you must consult the specialist first and not start self-treatment.
Probably there are even more healthy characteristics of this vitamin apart from the enumerated ones. I’m sure that now you want to reconsider your diet or to rush to the nearest drugstore. I kindly ask you to keep moderate with the synthetic oil and consult your doctor in order not to have side effects or get allergic. Do you already use it? What positive effects have you noticed?

11 Essential Things to Do When You Catch Cold.

11 Essential Things to Do When You Catch Cold.

Now we are moving towards that time of the year when the risk to get a cold or flu is higher than in winter. Apart from those tips you should know about how to protect yourself from getting sick, you have to know how to make the process of recovery easier and quicker. Along with the medication you take against cold or flu you have to know some things which will also be very effective. Here are 11 tips for you to follow when you caught cold.
Essential Things to Do When You Catch Cold

1. Seeing doctor

As a rule, when people catch a simple cold or flu they heel themselves by the traditional meds that are found in every home without consulting their doctor. You have to be careful with that and as soon as you feel you got something more serious you must consult your doctor without hesitation. Moreover, if after a few days of home-treatment you do not feel any better you have to call a doctor. Remember that your health is not the thing to take the risk of.

2. Hot beverages

Why are hot beverages so helpful when you get cold? The answer is very simple – it warms you from the inside, thus it influences your body very positively. You may choose any kind of tea to your taste, it may be black or green, or herbal. You must know that certain herbal teas have particular effects on your body so you are to be aware of them. It is also possible to strengthen the effect of hot tea if you combine it with lemon or honey. They are rich in vitamin C and various nutrients which will help you with inflammation.

3. Fluids

A high dose of vitamins is extremely necessary to get through the recovery process. What you have to do is to drink fresh juice rich in vitamins. They will boost your immune system and you will recover from your cold or flu faster and effortlessly. Moreover, not only will juice be useful, you may also drink more water and warm milk. Drink more to rehydrate your body and to keep the level of vitamins high.

4. Get more sleep

As you get thick your body needs much energy and efforts to fight it that’s why you have to rest more. Allow yourself to spend one or two days in bed even though you have had a good night sleep. It is better to stay at home and take care of your health by lying in bed and recover faster than fighting your cold on the run. Remember that your body restores its physical strength and health faster while sleeping.

5. Home hydrotherapy

As you catch cold or flu the worst thing about it is having running nose. A good solution will be to run a humidifier or to take a few deep breaths over the hot water. Take a bowl of hot steamy water, cover your head with a towel and bend over it so that you breathe in the most of steam. Be careful not to bend too close to the water. Another way is to take a bath or to give a bath to your feet. Anyway the rule you must remember is that the water should not be too hot, otherwise it will dry out your skin which negatively affects the process of recovery.

6. Healthy food

Keeping a healthy diet is the main rule for every person who wants to be a picture of health. When you get sick it is even more important. Although you may not feel like eating, you should make an effort and try. For example, a few spoons of chicken soup will make you feel better because it is rich in antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins. In this case homemade food will be just what you need. It is advised to add onion and garlic to your ration, better fresh. Fresh fruits and vegetables are to be the constant parts of your diet not only when you got ill but every day also.

7. Foods to avoid

I decided to group them separately as they deserve our special attention. When you are sick you’d better avoid dairy products, though they are very healthy and must be consumed almost every day. But in case of having cold or flu milk or yogurt won’t make you feel better but quite on the contrary. It causes your nose sinuses swell more and it will be painful to swallow. It is not worth mentioning that ice cream is contraindicated, however it may relieve the pain when you have angina. Hot cocoa will make you feel drowsy so you’d better substitute it for a cup of hot tea.

8. A little bit of exercise

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should go straight to the gym or go jogging. Of course, not. But it would be great to do some simple yoga exercises and stretches or even meditation. Excessive physical load must be avoided but simple exercises will stimulate your body to fight the illness quicker.

9. Find a book to read

As you lie in bed all day long the best cure for getting bored is reading. I’m sure you have at least one book you want to read but have never been able to find time to read it before. Reading is a good way to distract you from concentrating on your illness and some other problems, as well as to relax and to travel to the depth of your imagination. Finish that book that has been lying on your bedside table for months. When you feel your eyes get tired change the activity to listening music or audio book.

10. Take everything with you

The most terrible thing is to get out of a warm and cozy blanket in need of a remote or your phone. So it would be wise to gather all the things you might need near you before stretching out in bed or on a couch. Pick all the remedies, pills, cough syrup, or anything you have been prescribed by the doctor. Don’t forget you phone, remotes, books or music or whatever you are going to engage yourself with. Then take care of the pillows, blankets, napkins and pets. If you have one feed him and bring with you to cuddle beside you. As soon as everything is ready take a cup of hot tea, get under the blanket and relax.

11. A binge-watching session

Many of us consider vegging out completely unacceptable even when being ill. What you have to do is to give yourself a slack and to relax. A good way to distract you and keep you in bed is watching your favorite shows and movies. You don’t have time to do it in your everyday routine so allow yourself not to think about problems.
I’m sure nobody is fond of getting sick so in order to get better faster you need to give your body and spirit all the necessary conditions. If you follow these tips you will get better in no time. Do you have your secret remedy to heal you in no time? We all are eager to find out.

9 Beginner Tips on How to Run Without Walking.

9 Beginner Tips on How to Run Without Walking.

When you are a non-runner and you want to start running, this can be a hard challenge. Whether you want to lose weight or simply better your health, running is one of the most effective ways to reach your goal. Apart from numerous physical health benefits, running is good for your mental health as well. Many people think that only professional runners can run without walking, however, beginners can do it too. Here are 9 tips to follow if you want to start running without walking.
Beginner Tips on How to Run Without Walking

1. Begin with stretching

Stretching is an important thing to do before any exercise, including running. Every professional runner always stretches before running. 3-5 minutes of stretching will help lubricate the joints, increase your heart rate and overall warm up the body. Legs lifts, high knees and jumping jacks are all great for a dynamic stretch.

2. Train

When you are a beginning runner, it’s vital to train a little before you actually run. Start running gradually in order to build the endurance. The most effective way to do it is through the 3-2-1. This means you need to jog for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and jog for 1 minute. Repeat this sequence for 2 times. It will take about 12 minutes to complete.

3. Run the 5-2-2

After training, a few days later, try running the 5-2-2. This means you need to run for 5 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and jog for 2 minutes. Repeat this sequence for 2 times. It will take around 18 minutes to complete.

4. Run the 7-2-3

To increase your endurance, run the 7-2-3. Run for 7 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and jog for 3 minutes. Repeat this sequence for 2 times. It will take 24 minutes. Make sure you don’t overdo it and don’t tire yourself out.

5. Follow the 9-2-4

Well, you’re becoming a real runner and perhaps you want to run longer. A couple of days after performing the 7-2-3 plan, try the 9-2-4 plan. Run for 9 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and jog for 4 minutes. Repeat 2 times. It will take around 30 minutes.

6. Try running the 11-1-5

Now that you are becoming more professional runner, you need to increase your speed endurance. Try running the 11-1-5, which means you should run for 11 minutes, walk for 1 minute and jog for 5 minutes. Repeat this sequence for 2 times. It’ll take 34 minutes to complete.

7. Run 18

You have built your endurance and now you can run much longer. Run for 18 minutes and see how you feel. You can gradually increase your running time and try running for 30 minutes. Just make sure you don’t do it too fast.

8. Consume foods that help run better

Did you know that there are certain foods that can help you run better? Spinach, bananas, berries, Greek yogurt, salmon are some of them. As a runner, it’s essential to eat the right fuel to ensure you meet your running energy requirements.

9. Drink up

I’m sure you already know how water is important to your body and health but I decided to remind you. To run longer you should stay well hydrated so make sure you carry a water bottle with you during a run. I don’t recommend sport drinks and juices, because I think plain water is healthier. To make it taste better you can add a few lemon slices, as I do.
Running is a great workout. You can run almost anywhere, it’s free and it helps burn more calories than any other exercise. Hopefully, these beginner tips will help you become a good runner. Are you a runner? What are your running goals? If you are a professional runner, please share your tips with beginning runners.

7 Helpful Ways to Get Along with Your In-Laws.

7 Helpful Ways to Get Along with Your In-Laws.

Many people are lucky and get along well with their partner’s family while other people find it hard to build a relationship with their in-laws and they need a help. Although your partner is crazy about you, his parents or siblings can hate you. If your in-laws don’t like you, don’t worry, it will take time to win them over if you follow my tips for getting great with your in-laws.
Helpful Ways to Get Along with Your In-Laws

1. Show an interest in something they like doing

One of the best ways to get along with your in-laws is to show your interest in something they like doing. For instance, ask your mother-in-law about her family recipe or your father-in-law about his recent fishing excursion. This is a great way to break the ice and the first step to get your in-laws to like you!

2. Spend time together

When you show your interest, do something interesting with your mother-in-law to make it a wonderful day where both of you go shopping or have lunch together, or when you ask your father-in-law about his recent fishing excursion, tell him that next time you’d like to go with him. Show them that you want to be a part of their family and you don’t want to take their son away from them.

3. Help

Whether your father-in-law is trying to find out how to use a laptop or your mother-in-law needs some help in the kitchen, make sure you help them. They will certainly appreciate it and remember it forever. However, don’t insist on helping, if they say no when you ask.

4. Ask for help

Since in-laws love to feel included, ask them to babysit for several hours or overnight if they want. Give them the chance to feel connected with you. When you are not sure how to fix something, call them up or ask your mother-in-law to teach you how to cook. Asking your in-laws for help will definitely win them over and you will certainly get along great with them!

5. Don’t put down their ideas

Maybe you won’t agree on everything your in-laws say, especially about raising your children, but don’t put down their ideas. You may say something like, “Thank you for your tips, I’ll definitely take them into consideration”. If you put down your in-laws’ parenting style they will think that you believe his son was raised incorrectly.

6. Respect their traditions

If your in-laws celebrate Hanukkah with a large festive meal or they’ve always gone to a church on Christmas Eve, respect their traditions. Holidays can be a hard time since everybody wants you to come for a visit and, of course, you cannot visit everyone on the same day. But make sure to include your in-laws traditions to your holiday planning.

7. Don’t force it

Building a good relationship with your in-laws is not an easy thing and it don’t happen overnight, so, please, just don’t force it. Don’t feel defeated if your mother-in-law cancels the shopping trip you’d planned together. Remember you can always try again. Try to be patient and give it time. You can also ask your husband for help, if it’s needed.
If you’re a kind and gentle person, and you follow these tips for getting along with your in-laws, then you won’t have any problem at all! The most important thing to remember is to be respectful. So, how did you get along with your in-laws? Do you have some helpful tips?

7 Helpful Ways to Get Along with Your In-Laws.

7 Helpful Ways to Get Along with Your In-Laws.

Many people are lucky and get along well with their partner’s family while other people find it hard to build a relationship with their in-laws and they need a help. Although your partner is crazy about you, his parents or siblings can hate you. If your in-laws don’t like you, don’t worry, it will take time to win them over if you follow my tips for getting great with your in-laws.
Helpful Ways to Get Along with Your In-Laws

1. Show an interest in something they like doing

One of the best ways to get along with your in-laws is to show your interest in something they like doing. For instance, ask your mother-in-law about her family recipe or your father-in-law about his recent fishing excursion. This is a great way to break the ice and the first step to get your in-laws to like you!

2. Spend time together

When you show your interest, do something interesting with your mother-in-law to make it a wonderful day where both of you go shopping or have lunch together, or when you ask your father-in-law about his recent fishing excursion, tell him that next time you’d like to go with him. Show them that you want to be a part of their family and you don’t want to take their son away from them.

3. Help

Whether your father-in-law is trying to find out how to use a laptop or your mother-in-law needs some help in the kitchen, make sure you help them. They will certainly appreciate it and remember it forever. However, don’t insist on helping, if they say no when you ask.

4. Ask for help

Since in-laws love to feel included, ask them to babysit for several hours or overnight if they want. Give them the chance to feel connected with you. When you are not sure how to fix something, call them up or ask your mother-in-law to teach you how to cook. Asking your in-laws for help will definitely win them over and you will certainly get along great with them!

5. Don’t put down their ideas

Maybe you won’t agree on everything your in-laws say, especially about raising your children, but don’t put down their ideas. You may say something like, “Thank you for your tips, I’ll definitely take them into consideration”. If you put down your in-laws’ parenting style they will think that you believe his son was raised incorrectly.

6. Respect their traditions

If your in-laws celebrate Hanukkah with a large festive meal or they’ve always gone to a church on Christmas Eve, respect their traditions. Holidays can be a hard time since everybody wants you to come for a visit and, of course, you cannot visit everyone on the same day. But make sure to include your in-laws traditions to your holiday planning.

7. Don’t force it

Building a good relationship with your in-laws is not an easy thing and it don’t happen overnight, so, please, just don’t force it. Don’t feel defeated if your mother-in-law cancels the shopping trip you’d planned together. Remember you can always try again. Try to be patient and give it time. You can also ask your husband for help, if it’s needed.
If you’re a kind and gentle person, and you follow these tips for getting along with your in-laws, then you won’t have any problem at all! The most important thing to remember is to be respectful. So, how did you get along with your in-laws? Do you have some helpful tips? Feel free to share them with us!

8 Wonderful Christmas Presents for Mother-in-Law.

8 Wonderful Christmas Presents for Mother-in-Law.

When Christmas time is coming, all of us think of the most precious and important people in our life. It’s high time to remember your family, but don’t forget to give your attention to husband’s family either. For example, he has a wonderful mother. You should be certainly grateful to her for the best man in the world you’ve got. This fantastic holiday is a nice opportunity to thank your mother-in-law by giving her a present. If you still haven’t decided which gift to prepare you can look through the following list of some brilliant ideas.
Mother And Daughter Shopping For Christmas Ornaments

1. Stemless Glasses for Champagne

Stemless Glasses for Champagne
I’m sure there is no such home where you can’t find champagne glasses. It’s difficult to imagine some great family holiday or celebration of any important occasion without champagne and beautiful glasses for it. If you have used the same kind of glasses for years and now you are bored from them, you can definitely change them for a different kind. For example stemless glasses for champagne can be the perfect choice for you. They look fashionable and elegant. No doubt such glasses will suit your mother-in-law tastes. You will please her with this present.

2. Wine and Cheese

Wine and Cheese
These two things make an excellent combination. Try your best to find and purchase the bottle of old exquisite wine, and in order to complete its refinement, add some cheese to this gift. These things are sure to make brighter any ordinary day and especially such majestic day like Christmas.

3. Selection of Teas

Selection of Teas
Today we have a great assortment of teas at every supermarket. But not all of them are special and delicate. To make a marvelous present for your mother-in-law you should buy the most luxurious brands of tea. An enormous variety of teas with different flavors are available nowadays. If your husband’s mom is a great admirer of tea your gift will surely make her comfortable and happy. Think about the aromas which can be appealing to your mother-in-law and go to the shop for buying the best selection of teas.

4. Jewelry

If you decided to emphasize your gratefulness to the mother-in-law with the help of jewelry, keep in mind that there is a wide range of things you can choose. Don’t buy something that is too intimate. Focus your attention on a brilliant bracelet or a pair of earrings. It’s important that they should match the style of the person for whom you buy them. It will be one of the greatest Christmas presents.

5. Crystal Vases

Crystal Vases
All women have some certain weaknesses or addictions. And your mother-in-law is among them. I don’t know such a woman who wouldn’t adore different home accessories. Especially, if they are made of crystal. Your mother-in-law will definitely appreciate such gift. You can purchase a gorgeous crystal vase or bowl for her. As a result she will be amazed with the splendor and charm which you brought to her home together with the present.

6. A Set for Bath

A Set for Bath
Another splendid idea of a Christmas gift for mother-in-law is any item to complete her style or bathroom. Choose among various fruity flavors which will be a fabulous Christmas present. When you decide on the most suitable scent for your husband’s mother think about her personality and her preferences. Anyway the shop-assistant will help you to make the right choice. Today handmade soaps gain more and more popularity. You should use this idea if you want to make a personalized gift, which will bring merriment and joy to your mother-in-law. Try to avoid things that can make her feel offended.

7. SPA Coupons

SPA Coupons
You should remember this person, how precious she is for all family members and give her an opportunity to pamper herself. If husband’s mother prefers an active lifestyle, the SPA coupons is an excellent option for her. Perhaps such pleasing gift will be a nice way to strengthen your relationship.

8. Jewelry box

Jewelry box
Jewelry is an indispensable part of every woman’s style. And your mother-in-law is not an exception. That’s why a magnificent jewelry box can be an amazing idea for a Christmas present. Buy an elegant one with sparkling precious stones. Just don’t forget about your budget. It can be too costly. Such gift has lots of advantages. It is very useful and practical thing and if it is made of the proper material, your mother-in-law will enjoy its beauty for many years.
Hopefully, these ideas will help you to choose the best present for your mom-in-law. If you have any other gift ideas, feel free to share them with us.

9 Tips on How to Impress Your Boyfriend’s Family.

9 Tips on How to Impress Your Boyfriend’s Family.

If you are going to meet your boyfriend’s family for the first time, then you might want to know a few effective ways to impress his family. Everything counts in a first impression, and when it comes to your boyfriend’s family, the first impression is the key in establishing a good relationship. Just don’t be fake and keep in mind these tips on how to impress his family and you will be fine!
Tips on How to Impress Your Boyfriend’s Family

1. Don’t kiss your boyfriend in front of his parents

When you meet your boyfriend’s parents for the first time, don’t kiss him in front of them. If your boyfriend starts to kiss you, it’s okay, but don’t make this a time for make out session. His family won’t be impressed!

2. Be nice and polite

When you meet your boyfriend’s family, you should definitely be nice and polite. Show interest in his family, smile, speak politely, and try to find a good conversation to discuss. If his mom cooked something, be sure to compliment her. She will surely love you!

3. Don’t lie

Being honest is one of the most important tips to keep in mind when you try to impress your boyfriend’s family. Don’t lie about your family, your age, or your background. Also, don’t lie about your party nights out, or your job. His parents or siblings know how to use Facebook and Google, and they could even stalk your Facebook page!

4. Keep your makeup simple

Sure, it’s great to wear makeup, but don’t expect to impress your boyfriend’s family with bright pink lip color, flashy eye shadow, and too much pink blush. Keep your makeup simple. I always say that it’s better to opt for natural makeup when you have a special event.

5. Wear something feminine and appropriate

When going to meet your boyfriend’s family, be sure you wear something feminine and appropriate. Avoid wearing something you would wear for a night out with your friends or a date with your boyfriend. Don’t wear anything too far above the knee and keep your neckline a bit higher. You don’t necessarily have to wear a turtleneck, but his mom will surely pay attention to your clothing.

6. Don’t douse yourself with perfume

If you choose to wear perfume, make sure you do not wear too much of it. Maybe his mom, or dad, or sibling is sensitive to fragrances. Even if they aren’t sensitive to fragrances, it’s still better to wear a little of perfume that has a light scent.

7. Don’t speak badly about your job

Don’t bash your job, even if you don’t like it. Be honest. If you are looking for a new job, don’t lie about it. Try to speak fondly of your current job, and don’t forget to say that you are grateful you have a job. There’s no need to bring up that pushover boss or annoying coworker.

8. Be calm

No matter what you do, be sure to stay calm and collected. It will send a sign that you are a peaceful and nice person who is really easy to get along with. Plus, it will make his family more comfortable around you. Don’t be rude, even if something bothers you. Just be yourself and enjoy a great company!

9. Don’t overdo it

When it comes to meeting his family and being nice, make sure you don’t overdo it. Brown nosing is actually not a good thing and it’s not appreciated. If you are at your guy’s home, you may offer to help do dishes, and compliment his mother on something, but don’t overdo it. His parents (and even your guy) might see you as fake.
Follow these tips and you will definitely impress your new guy’s family. If you know some other tips, feel free to share them with us. How did you impress your boyfriend’s family?

10 Amazing Hobbies You May Want to Try.

10 Amazing Hobbies You May Want to Try.

Are you ready to try some of the most fabulous hobbies right now? Crafts and hobbies take experimentation and not everyone can pursue these hobbies, but once you try one of these hobby ideas, it can become your lifelong passion. Moreover, you can always turn your favorite hobby into a business. Here are ten amazing hobbies to try now to improve your creativity or even increase your bank balance.
Amazing Hobbies You May Want to Try

1. Scrap-booking

Dating back to the 15th century, scrapbooking is one of the best and creative ways to preserve your family’s history for generations to come. This hobby is perfect for the entire family, including kids. Just include postcards, letters, photographs, artwork, articles, and any other interesting things in your scrap book and decorate and embellish them as you wish. Your scrapbook can also contain journaling. Did you know that more than 4 million women in the United States are scrapbookers?

2. Knitting

Although I’m not very good at knitting I love it. I don’t understand those who consider knitting monotonous and boring. I find it very relaxing and a bit fun since it’s interesting to see your own knitted creation. If you are going to improve your creativity, knitting is the perfect hobby for you to pursue.

3. Jewelry making

Jewelry making
Every woman knows how much jewelry can add to her outfit. Why not try jewelry making this year? You don’t have to be a pro with knowledge of metal smithing, gemology and rendering, even though jewelry making is not an easy hobby, but very interesting. Nowadays it’s not a problem to find appliances and supplies to make jewelry. There are many craft centers which sell everything (beads, metal, silver, macramé, etc.) you need to make your own creations.

4. Dressmaking

Have you ever thought of wearing your own creations? If you make your own jewelry, why not make your own clothes? First, try to customize existing garments and then try to sew your own garments. You can even join a club to learn more with the company of like-minded fashion enthusiasts. If there is no club in your city, look for tutorials and website, which will be able to help you.

5. Flower arranging

Flower arranging
My mom and my sister are wonderful flower arrangers. I know flower arranging is not for me, but when I need a nice bouquet, I know who can help me. If you adore flowers, it is an amazing hobby to try today. Plus, flower arranging is a perfect way to boost your creative side and get in touch with nature.

6. Embroidery

The handicraft of decorating fabric or any other material with needle and yarn or thread might sound like something boring, but it’s actually an amazing hobby to try. There are many tutorials which will be able to help you if you decide to take up this hobby. This year, create beautiful artwork and garments to express your creative side.

7. Candle making

Candle making
Do you like candles? Do you want to make your own candles? There are plenty of easy ways you can use your creativity to make breathtakingly beautiful candles for your home and as presents for your family, relatives and friends. You can also make candles to celebrate specific occasions, such as Halloween or Christmas.

8. Cooking

If you’re interested in cooking and healthy eating, why not take cooking classes? Nowadays there are lots of kitchen stores that have small set-ups and offer great cooking classes on a regular basis. Cooking is a productive and useful hobby that you can even turn into a business. If you don’t want to take a cooking class, consider picking up some interesting cookbooks at one of your local bookstores. You will find plenty of delis recipes that you may want to try once you get home.

9. Writing

Although writing isn’t an easy hobby, it’s still worth trying. In fact, in writing the first words are the hardest. However, once you start writing, chances are you won’t stop. Perhaps it’s easier said than done, but grab a pen and paper and just start writing. There are many wonderful things you can write, from family stories to fiction. Writing is a free hobby; you don’t have to go anywhere and you can do it any time of the day or night. Plus, you can make money by writing.

10. Woodworking

Woodworking is an interesting hobby that allows you to use your creativity and work with your hands. Nowadays there are many tools for woodworkers that can make practically anything from a small magazine rack to a huge table. Start off making small wooden spoons and then try to make something bigger.
These are a few of the most interesting hobbies to try these days. What is your favorite hobby? Do you have anything to add to this list? Feel free to do it in the comments section.