
Monday 30 June 2014

What to Wear To Work Tomorrow

What to Wear To Work Tomorrow 01:7:14

Not all office environments are created equal. Corporate environments tend to be a little stricter when it comes to dress codes, so a super-stylish look might not fit in well. If you work in a more relaxed environment, you’ll have some license to play with style, says Dawn Del Russo, New York-based fashion stylist and owner of Bella Dawn boutique.
Dressing for work doesn’t mean you can’t tastefully show off a nice figure. Fitted shift dresses are safe for most offices, and you can go solid or play with a pattern. If you work in a laid-back or fashionable environment, pair a more body-conscious dress with a long-sleeve top, and belt it to cover the dress while still looking.
Here are a collection of dresses and styling suggestions for you to wear to work…

Style 1: @prissy savvy

Style 2: @wiz_allure

Style 3: Tanesha-Awasthi

Style 4: @powedelawrence

jdore Topshop-Blurry-Check-Print Pencil-Skirt-3
Style 5: @J’dore fashion

Style 6: @doopie

Style 7: @chinnyco
awed by monica.JPG2
Style 8: @awed by monica

Style 9: @stylebyada

10 Simple Ways to Pamper Yourself.

10 Simple Ways to Pamper Yourself.

It’s all too easy to get caught up in our hectic lives and forget that we need to take care of ourselves – our bodies and minds. Without this essential care we can become run down and over-stressed. Check out a few simple ways to pamper yourself so that you’re better able to meet the challenges of your daily life feeling your best.
Simple Ways to Pamper Yourself

1. A Cup of Tea

A Cup of Tea
Whether it’s black tea, green tea, herbal tea, it’s all good and each type brings its own healthful comforts. The soothingly warm taste of tea does offer a pampering break in the day; yet tea also boasts many important health benefits. For instance, chamomile tea is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system. If you’ve had a long and stressful day, a cup of chamomile tea can naturally help you unwind and de-stress. Green tea is known for its antioxidant protections and black tea is associated with reduced risk for various conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and even Parkinson’s disease. Give it a try and see how refreshed it makes you feel.

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2. Hot Bath with Epsom Salt

Hot Bath with Epsom Salt
There’s something about a hot bath that makes the day’s woes melt away. Adding Epsom salt to the bath is an extra special way to pamper yourself. Epsom salt is known for its ability to sooth the nervous system and provide relief from bad headaches. The magnesium in the Epsom salt can also help flush toxins from your body and even ease muscle cramps. You’ll feel much better when you step out of this bath and into a fluffy towel.

3. Aromatherapy

Did you know that the scents of essential oils from plants like lavender and jasmine are associated with reduced depression and anxiety? A warm bath accompanied by some aromatherapy treatment can feel like a great indulgence, but it has such rejuvenating potential that it is well worth taking the time to enjoy. Add a sprig of eucalyptus to the shower or add a fresh bouquet of roses to add a touch of romance to any room of your home.

4. Massage

While it would delight the senses to book a world-class massage at a seaside spa in Cabo San Lucas, that isn’t always possible. Yet you can light a candle with a sea-breeze scent and elicit the services of your partner to give you a relaxing massage right in your comfortable home. Moreover, you can also visit a local spa for their massage treatments that will pamper you and help you feel like a new person when you emerge from their care.

5. Manicure and Pedicure

Manicure and Pedicure
Pamper yourself with a manicure and pedicure when you’re feeling low. Just taking care of the little things helps you feel more ready to take on the bigger obstacles of life. These beauty treatments don’t take too long and yet they can bring so much pleasure that outlasts the session. You’ll feel great each time you catch a glimpse of your great-looking nails.

6. Dark Chocolate Bliss

Dark Chocolate Bliss
Forget about the day and take a bite into the rich and delicious taste of a dark chocolate bar. Loaded with antioxidants, dark chocolate can give you an anti-oxidant boost and a jolt of energy. Yet the taste of chocolate satisfies a craving for something deeply satisfying and good. When you need some pampering that won’t disappoint, reach for some dark chocolate.

7. Lounge with a Sunset

Lounge with a Sunset
If you live near a beach or have a comfy chair on your terrace, take time to sit with a sunset. Put cares from your mind and indulge in a session of free time, remember that? Free yourself of all obligations for just thirty minutes to watch the sun sink low and to feel the pleasure of being alive in the world and surrounded by the beauty of nature.

8. Read Something Wonderful

Read Something Wonderful
For some people, it’s a magazine and for others it’s the most recent recipient of the National Book Award, but a good read pampers the soul and is a great therapeutic use of time. Curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and enjoy ‘getting away’ with a good book. Though it can be hard to make time to read each day, be sure to indulge each week; you’re always so much better upon emerging from a book.

9. Eat Something with Wow Factor

Eat Something with Wow Factor
Pamper yourself with a great meal after a long, hard week. Try a new cuisine or a new restaurant in your area. Dining affords such simple pleasures and it’s such a joy when you can set aside cooking duties and enjoy what another cook brings to the table. Comfort food doesn’t always have to be a major detour for your diet either; there are many healthy dishes that can nourish your hunger as well as your soul.

10. Rest Up

Rest Up
Maybe you need to sleep in or indulge in a nap, but that beauty sleep can also enhance your energy. If you’ve been putting in long hours and need to catch up on rest, try to work in some extra nap time. When you’re well rested you can think better and work better. Pamper yourself with some quiet slumber in your comfortable bed with some soft music playing and no distractions allowed!

Get_Fit – 25 Simple Fat Loss Guide To Try Out Right Now.

Get_Fit – 25 Simple Fat Loss Guide To Try Out Right Now.

Looking good has never been as important as now in the days of twitter, instagram and facebook. There’s a lot of pressure to stay fit.

Food Routine To Stay Fit:

The path to sustainable weight loss is not an easy one. Following a sensible exercise and food routine will help you to lose weight without punishing your body.

1. Breakfast:gf

Start your day with a healthy breakfast. The last meal was the previous night’s dinner and the body needs some fuel to kick start the day. Without sufficient food, the body and mind won’t perform efficiently. If you’re rushed and don’t have time, carry a breakfast smoothie to go. Even if you’re running late, never skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast puts the body in starvation mode which in turn makes you overeat through the day.

2. Packed Lunch:

Research shows that a home cooked lunch is more nutritious and contains fewer calories than all those fancy executive lunches. Pack a healthy and nutritious lunch. If you are pressed for time in the morning, make some basic preparation the night before. Wake up 10 minutes early and make a quick sandwich in the morning or rustle up a simple salad. The extra time you spend on cooking and packing a lunch will be justified when you realize that you have not only kept a check on your weight gain but also saved money by not eating out.

3. Early Dinner:

An early dinner is a sure shot way to weight loss. Eat your last meal for the day between 7.30 to 8 pm. You might need some extra will power to not reach out for chocolates or a sugary treat afterwards. To avoid temptation, brush your teeth immediately after dinner and tell yourself that the kitchen is officially shut for the day. Try this for a few days and see the visible difference in your waistline. We need to eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. Activities and tasks around the house like putting dishes away or folding clothes or just walking from one room to the other doing random things aids digestion. Eating a heavy dinner and crashing immediately leads to bloating and disturbed sleep.

4. Avoid Temptation:

If you do not want to eat certain foods, don’t buy them. When you’re starving, chances are higher that you will reach out for candy and not for carrots. Avoid buying chocolates, candy, chips, pretzels and the usual suspects. If you crave something in particular, buy and eat it once in a while to get it out of your system. Do not stock up on unhealthy food. A kitchen that stocks on only healthy and good food is the secret to weight loss.

5. Replace Dessert:

If you have a sweet tooth and absolutely need to eat something sweet after a meal, at least make healthier choices. Raisins and dates make a yummy after-meal dessert. You could also try some homemade fruit yoghurt. Blend or mash a fruit in yoghurt and freeze. Devour when you feel the need to eat something sweet.

6. Fad Diets:

Juice diets and salad diets deprive your body of vital nutrients. As much as possible, eat regular food. According to the food pyramid, your body needs protein as well as carbs. A little bit of fat in the form of butter and oil is also essential. Over the past few years, diets that help drastic weight loss have become popular. This kind of weight loss isn’t sustainable and the weight will slowly creep back and cause you more anguish and frustration. Also avoid packaged diet food as they cause more harm than good. Eating normal food in moderation will help sustainable weight loss.

7. Processed Food:

Packaged juices, processed soups, frozen food and canned food contain salt, sugar and preservatives. Although some juices and soups are advertised as healthy, nothing that goes into a can or bottle to be consumed much later can be healthy. Processed food has little or no nutrients and is best avoided. Additionally, the flavor and wholesomeness of freshly squeezed juice and piping hot homemade soup cannot be replaced by store bought counterparts.

8. Food Journal:

If you are one of those emotional eaters, try to maintain a food journal. Write everything down from that seemingly innocent granola bar to that extra snack you are indulging in every evening. Seeing it on paper just helps you figure out what you are doing right or wrong. It also helps you gauge a pattern or a trigger for emotional overeating.

9. Fresh Food:

As far as possible eat freshly cooked food. Leftovers have no nutrition and you are only consuming empty calories by finishing that bake from two days ago.

10. Green Tea:

Considered as a fat buster, green tea apart from aiding digestion also speeds up metabolism. It contains EGCC, a proponent that burns fat. Drinking green tea also helps one feel full and can be used to suppress pangs of hunger between meals.

11. Alcohol:gf10

Beer and wine have gotten a bad rap from fitness enthusiasts but in reality any kind of alcohol will cause weight gain. All kinds of alcoholic drinks are fattening. If you must imbibe, do it occasionally or even socially.

12. Healthy Snacks:gf11

When hunger strikes, opt for snacks that are filling. Carrots, yoghurt, fruits, and popcorns are snacks you can munch on without feeling guilty or piling on weight.

13. Homemade Junk Food Trap:

Do not delude yourself that homemade cakes, cookies and fries do not contain fat. A lot of people think it is less fattening to eat homemade fried food and baked goodies. This may be true to a certain extent but you will realize that one tends to overeat homemade goodies more than store bought ones. Wolfing down on 5 chocolate chip cookies even if your loving mom baked them cannot be good for your health.

14. Visit A Dietician:gf13

If you want to approach weight loss more holistically, you can visit a dietician who will customize a diet plan for you taking into consideration your activities, job and health. Sticking to the plan, however, is entirely up to you. A proper diet plan will focus on the essential nutrients you need. It will help you eat on time and also monitor the quantity of food you consume.

15. Cheat Days:

If you have an intense craving for something fried, cheesy or sugary, give in to your body once in a while. If you keep depriving your body of occasional treats, not you will be crabby all the time, you may probably think of food all day. Indulge once in a while but make it a point to walk back home that day or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Eat whatever your heart desires but in moderation and once a week. However, it’s important not to go overboard. Cheat days are a great way to give yourself a break. Also, if you know that you are eating something sinful over the weekend, you won’t mind slugging it out with simple and nutritious home cooked meals through the week.

16. Exercise Routine To Stay Fit:gf15

Watching what you eat is half the battle won. The other half is following an exercise regime. A good workout program not only aids weight loss but has several other benefits. Research shows that regular exercisers are typically those people who seem to have their life in control. Regular exercise makes your skin glow and improves posture. Additionally, the regular release of endorphins helps you feel good through the day.

-Enjoyable Exercise Routine:

Pick an exercise routine you enjoy. If you like tennis, play for half an hour before or after work. If swimming is your thing, then swim those calories away. If you genuinely enjoy doing weights, join a gym. If you find yourself getting bored, mix it up a little. You could also try hula hooping or a dance class. If you enjoy your workout, you will look forward to it every day and the chances of you skipping your workout are minimized.

17. Fitness For You:

Incorporate a fitness routine that fits in your day. Just because your friend does pilates for an hour and a half, does not mean it may be for you. Figure out how much time you can devote to exercise on a regular basis. If you have only 30 minutes in the morning, you may find even the idea of getting ready for gym exhausting. In that case, a simple 30 minute walk or bicycle ride may seem doable.

18.Workout Gear:gf66

Looking good always makes you feel good. Buy nice workout clothes to feel good inside to motivate yourself to indulge in regular exercise.

19. Have A Goal:

It could be losing weight for your birthday party or just wanting to fit into your old jeans again. No goal is too shallow if it helps you wake up every morning.

20. Regular Moderate Workout Vs Intense Sporadic Workout:

You start losing weight only after 20 minutes of exercise. Therefore, whatever your form of exercise, do it regularly for 30 minutes for best results. Not running for two weeks and running 10 miles like a crazy person. It definitely won’t help weight loss. Understand that regular exercise for 30 minutes is better than sporadically working out for an hour once a week.

21. Cardio And Weights:

Cardio AND Lifting weights
Cardiovascular exercises, such as walking, running, swimming and cycling help you lose fat. However, when you train with weights, you can build muscle. Do not rely on only cardio or weights as you need a combination of both to lose weight. If you are a beginner, start with cardio and then move on to a combination of both weight training and cardio.

22. Workout Time:

Figure out a time that works best for you. If you start your work day very early, try working out in the evening after you’re back. Some work places now have a gym in the office. You can skip the idle chit chat near the coffee machine and save some precious time and workout in the afternoon. Some people prefer to get exercise out of their way first thing in the morning. It has been proven that people who work out in the morning tend to stick to their exercise routines. Choose whatever time suits you best.

23. Small Tricks:

Over a period of time, you will realize that small tricks will help you stick to your exercise goal. It could be a new playlist or a super cool water bottle. A new tee shirt or even a wristband will help you break the monotony of a regular workout.

24. Workout Buddy:

Having a workout buddy will help you stay motivated. Also, some gossip on the tread mill can’t be all that bad. If you workout with someone, it does not seem as tedious. Try to work out with your spouse, friend or colleague and see the difference in your level of motivation.

25. Realistic Goals:

Losing more than one kilo a week is not only unhealthy but also unrealistic. Do not beat yourself up and feel bad about losing weight gradually. Also, everyone has a certain body type. If you are big boned, you can certainly lose weight and tone up but looking petite may be a little unrealistic. Realistic goals will help you avoid frustration.
P.s Weight loss cannot happen overnight and sustained weight loss requires several lifestyle changes. Good eating habits and a regular exercise regime with occasional indulgences will help you lose weight and keep it off.

Thinking About Cutting Your Hair? 10 Things Nobody Tells You!

Thinking About Cutting Your Hair? 10 Things Nobody Tells You!

Almost every woman can wear short hair. The secret is finding the right cut for your face shape and hair texture. So before you cut your hair, below are 10 little known facts about cutting your hair, and some tips to help you get the best out of your cut.
1. Cutting your hair more often doesn’t make it grow faster: Getting rid of the ends of your hair doesn’t directly effect hair growth. The ends of your hair don’t effect the follicles in your scalp, which determine how fast and how much your hair grows. Trimming simply keeps hair more healthy as it grows.
2. Skip the trim: Give yourself some time in between each trim instead of going with the typical 6-8 weeks. Hair begins to split around the 3-4 month mark, which is when you’ll actually need a trim.
3. Layer accordingly: When cutting your hair, you should layer it according to your hair texture. Tighter curls work best with layers that aren’t perfectly even, while straighter hair works best with more even layers.
4. Skip the shampoo: Before cutting hair, skip the shampoo. You’ll be having your hair washed anyway, so there’s no need to dry out the cuticle twice.
5. It’s best to trim natural hair when dry: For girls with natural hair, it’s important to know that hair should be cut when dry. Head to a salon that specializes in natural tresses so you know you’re getting the best cut possible.
6. Search salon apprentice websites first: You’ll be in good hands for half (or less!) the cost.
7. All bangs aren’t cut equally: If you’re thinking about getting bangs/frings, know what works best for your face and for your hair texture. Long, wispy bangs usually work best for a square face, while softer, shorter bangs work best to frame a round face.
8. Short hair takes work: Cutting off your hair doesn’t make hair care any easier. To keep them maintained, shorter cuts usually require more frequent trips to the salon to keep the shape and style fresh, which ends up costing more money (and time).
9. If you don’t trim, split ends will travel: Split ends will continue to split up the length of the hair if you don’t trim them, making your hair brittle and weak. When you start seeing split ends more often than non-split ends, it’s time to get a cut.
10. Bring options: make sure you bring multiple options. When you get to the salon, your stylist may explain that a certain cut won’t work with your texture, or that it will actually require much more maintenance than you originally thought. Bringing options will leave you multiple routes for a happy cut.

10 Healthy Snacks for the Beach.

10 Healthy Snacks for the Beach.

Don’t just limit your beach foods to boxes of crackers and cookies or meat-packed sandwiches. You know these snacks have plenty of preservatives, salt and other ingredients that are not good for you. Take along some water or iced green tea, and these yummy healthy snacks and you will look great and feel great too! Moreover, consuming fresh foods on the beach is actually refreshing. Check out a few healthy snacks you can take to the beach!
Healthy Snacks for the Beach

1. Healthy snack bars

Healthy snack bars
Healthy snack bars are one of the best snacks for the beach. They contain raw ingredients that are good for you, and they are heat-stable, of course, if you don’t leave them lying out in the sun for the whole day. Just put some healthy bars in your bag and you are ready to go.

2. Pineapple

Pineapple is one of my favorite healthy snacks for the beach! It’s highly energizing from Vitamin C and natural sugars, as well as fiber, and it’s so tummy-friendly! Pineapples contain powerful enzymes that can help your digestion, keep your tummy flat and beat bloating. Before you go out onto the beach just chop some pineapples, put them in some plastic container and add a bit ginger that also has healthy benefits. Plus, pineapple is a great convenience food to store.

3. Strawberries

Everybody likes strawberries, right? Strawberries are low sugar berries to eat. They are packed with Vitamin C that is a great antioxidant. They also contain fiber to keep your blood sugar stable and keep you full. Strawberries are fun and healthy to eat and so easy to take along to the beach.

4. Carrots

I like eating raw carrots when I want something nutritious and sweet. Snacking on only one cup can not only fill you up, but also prevent your body from harmful free radicals and nourish your body with beta-carotene that will make your skin glow. Carrots make amazing snacks when eaten alone or with some peanut butter or almond butter. Chop some carrots and put them into baggies to carry out on the beach.

5. Red bell peppers

 Red bell peppers
Another perfect beach snack is red bell peppers. They are crunchy, crisp, hydrating and sweet. Cut one red bell pepper into slices and eat anytime you want something sweet. They’re perfect for your weight and skin too. They contain fiber and Vitamin C, and are filled with water to keep you hydrated.

6. Raw almonds

Raw almonds
Filled with protein, magnesium, Vitamin E and B, raw almonds are also great for the beach. Magnesium is good for a sour mood, cramps and preventing headaches. Vitamin E protects your skin, healthy fats and protein in almonds keep your blood sugar stable, and Vitamin B energizes you and helps your metabolism. Make sure you eat almonds unsalted and raw to avoid bloating from roasted nuts and salt.

7. Low sodium tuna

Low sodium tuna
Tuna has no carbs, only 1 gram of fat, is packed with protein, Omega 3s, lean protein and B vitamins. Low sodium tuna will make you full for a longer period of time, and that means you can lay on the beach all day!

8. Muffins

It’s hard to spend hours at the beach without at least one hearty meal. Sure, fruits and veggies are great, but homemade muffins are better, especially when you feel super hungry. Look for wholegrain, gluten-free and low-calorie recipes, and you’ll stick to your healthy eating plan even on the beach.

9. Popcorn

Popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks for the beach that will curb your cravings in a jiff! Popcorn is high in fiber and low in calories, of course, when you don’t use too much butter, salt, and bad oils. Making your own diet-friendly popcorn at home is a great way to eat healthy at the beach without worrying about your waistline

10. Snack mix

 Snack mix
Snack mix is a quick and easy beach snack that you can make in a moment. Just mix a handful of dried fruit, some nuts and a bit of seeds, and your own snack mix is ready! This snack is healthy and cheap – you may find all the ingredients you need at home.
What are your healthy snacks for the beach? Share your ideas, please!

Rainy Day Rules: How to Tame Your Hair and Make-Up.

Rainy Day Rules: How to Tame Your Hair and Make-Up.

The showers are still here I guess Mother Nature is not done with us yet. Do not let the June showers stop you from staying chic or prevent you from attending events or even hosting one.
Rain can wreak havoc on your hair and make-up, causing your hair to frizz and your cosmetics to run. Remedy the problem by using products that keep your hair in check and waterproof cosmetics.
1. Tie your hair back. 
Odds are, the moisture in the air will make it difficult to style your hair in any elaborate manner. Keeping your hair down may even prove difficult if you have hard to manage locks, since humidity may cause frizz and hard-to-tame waves. Reduce this effect by tying your hair back in a clean, slick ponytail. It may still get frizzy if you do not use any styling products to keep it down, but the amount of frizz will likely seem less noticeable.
2. Try braiding your hair. 
angela simmons
Angela Simmons

Braids add an extra layer of structure into your style, which may further reduce unruly frizz. Wear two tightly braided pigtails for a playful, youthful look, or try one large braided ponytail down your back to create a dressier appearance.
3. Use anti-frizz serum or hairspray. 
Garnier Root Booster Spray & Anti-Humidity spray

Whether you have your hair down or tied back, hair care products like these are a rainy day necessity. Anti-frizz serum is especially usefully in taming fly-away frizz caused by the humidity. Hairspray may not be necessary for casual styles, but if you want your hair to stay put, you should definitely consider a quick spritz.
4. Slick your hair back with gel.
Gatsby Water Gloss/Wet Look hair Gel

If you have short hair, ponytails and braids are not exactly an option you can take advantage of. For a fuss-free rainy day style, slick your hair back with gel. This keeps your hair styled, frizz-free, and in place while giving it a wet appearance that nullifies the desire to keep your hair dry.
5. Wear waterproof mascara, eye liner, and eyeshadow
 Mascara can look especially bad once it runs, so waterproof mascara is an absolute necessity on a rainy day. Eye liner and eyeshadow can also run and get in your eyes once wet, so you should look for waterproof versions of these, as well.
6. Apply liquid foundations and cream blushes instead of powders
 Liquid cosmetics do not wash away as easily as powders, so your make-up will last longer. Additionally, liquids and creams do not streak as easily as powders do upon getting wet.
7. Keep your make-up light
Genevieve Nnaji

The less you can get away with wearing, the better. No matter what products you apply, there is still some chance that they will run or wear off. If you feel comfortable skipping make-up for a day, go for it. Otherwise, keep your make-up application at a bare minimum, only opting for a light coating of the products you feel are “must haves” in your daily beauty routine.