
Friday 15 August 2014

10 Seemingly Necessary Beauty Products We Don’t Need.

10 Seemingly Necessary Beauty Products We Don’t Need.

The advertising industry are experts at creating need and selling us items that are either completely useless or can be substituted for something that costs a fraction of the price. Most of us have bathrooms that are filled with lotions, potions and jars of sweet-smelling creams that do little more than make us feel better after applying them. The following items are all products that you can almost certainly live without.
Seemingly Necessary Beauty Products We Don't Need

1. Shower Gel

Shower Gel
Most people prefer the feeling of shower gel to soap as it leaves the skin feeling soft and hydrated. However, most shower gels contain harmful chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulphate, parabens and diethanolamine that are all absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the brain and other organs. Natural soaps made from olive oil are far more healthy and economical. After a while your skin will adjust to using soap and will not feel so dry after a shower.

2. Cellulite Creams

Cellulite Creams
If cellulite creams really worked, then the beaches would be full of smooth, dimple-free skin as just about every woman would be shelling out for this miracle cure. Unfortunately, cellulite creams are nothing more than snake oil designed to pray on our insecurities. Healthy food, exercise and massage are the only ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

3. Toner

Toner was designed to remove scum and build-up left behind by soaps and cleansers. Modern cleansers do not leave behind any residue so using a toner after washing your face only dries your skin out. If you really need to use a toner to remove heavy makeup, try a dab of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar on a clean piece of cotton. It will remove all traces of makeup left on your skin without drying it out like alcohol-based toners.

4. Split-End Remedies

Split End Remedies
Serums or shampoos that claim to repair split-ends are nothing more than a clever marketing ploy. The only way to get rid of split-ends is by chopping them off. Split-end remedies only mask the problem by smoothing the hair down. To prevent split-ends occurring in the first place, try to limit the use of hairdryers, straighteners and curling tongs to only a few times a month.

5. Suntan Lotion

Suntan Lotion
Many suntan lotions are now available in ridiculous strengths up to SPF 100 that do not offer increased protection from harmful UV rays. Suntan lotions with a strength of up to SPF30 offer 97% protection from harmful UV rays, and this does not increase significantly with a higher SPF. Overuse of suntan lotion with a high SPF also stops the body from absorbing UVB rays which are essential to produce vitamin D.

6. Hand and Foot Cream

Hand and Foot Cream
The idea that we need a different cream for every part of the body is evidence of just how well the advertising agencies can manipulate us. Whilst some areas of the body do need extra care than others, simply slathering on an extra layer of your regular body moisturizer will almost certainly do the trick. For those that live in harsh climates or work with chemicals, smothering your hands and feet in Vaseline and then wearing clean cotton gloves and socks overnight will soften dry, chapped skin

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