
Friday 27 June 2014

10 Easy Steps to Toned Legs.

10 Easy Steps to Toned Legs.

Toning your legs is a fantastic way to increase your overall level of fitness and health, and the great thing is that it is easier to do than you probably think it is. Some of the largest muscles in your body are located in your legs, and targeting these muscles will let you quickly burn off excess fat. Here are 10 things that you can try to get the legs you want:
Easy Steps to Toned Legs

1. Jogging

Jogging is one of the best ways to burn calories and tone your muscles at the same time. It is a cardiovascular exercise that will provide your legs with many of the same benefits as strength training. Jogging actively engages your calves, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, and quadriceps, essentially targeting your legs as a whole.

2. Walking

Walking offers many of the same benefits as jogging, but does so with less exertion and less pressure on your knees, so this is a great choice if you’re dealing with some knee trouble. Another great thing about walking is that, while jogging will definitely burn up those calories, walking is slightly better at keeping your heartbeat in a fat-burning zone.

3. Squats

Looking specifically to tone up those quads and glutes? You can use squats to target the muscles in your thighs and your butt. To do a squat properly, you need to start with your legs about shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and focus on holding your weight by using your thighs rather than by putting pressure on your knees. When done properly, your knees should never creep out past your toes during a squat.

4. Step-ups

 Step ups
Step-ups are another effective and easy glute and quad exercise. All you need is a raised, flat surface that you can step up on to. An exercise bench is great if you have one, but you can definitely improvise with household items. Start by placing one foot on the bench, and then, with your arms by your sides, transfer your weight, straighten the leg, and step all the way up.

5. Lunges

Lunges also target your glutes and quads, and are a good way to target your hams as well. Start by having both feet close together, and then step forward with one leg until your knee reaches a 90 degree angle, making sure that you keep your back straight. Hold your position for a few counts and then bring your leg back.

6. Walking lunges

Walking lunges
Walking lunges are essentially the same as regular lunges. The difference is that instead of bringing your leading leg back after the lunge is completed, you step forward with your other leg instead, briefly straighten both legs out, and then lunge again. You can hold on to some weights to increase the difficulty level if you feel up to it.

7. Heel lifts

Heel lifts
We’ve gone through several exercises that target your upper legs, but what about your lower legs? Heel lifts are very useful for targeting ankles and calves. To do them, you need to start in a sitting position with your back straight and both feet on the floor. Lift the heel of one of your feet while keeping your toes on the ground. Hold for a count of 5 or so and then repeat for your other foot.

8. Cycling

No list of leg-toning methods would be complete without the tried and true method of cycling. Either get out on some biking trails or use a stationary bike at the gym or in the comfort of your own home. Cycling mainly targets your thighs and your butt, but will definitely help to tone up your calves as well.

9.  Leg extensions

Leg extensions
Leg extensions are another simple exercise that you can do while sitting in a chair. Simply sit down with your back straight, lift both legs up, and hold them up for a few seconds at a time. If you’re working for long hours at your desk staring at a computer screen, then you can take a break to do this every half an hour or so.

10. Eat well

Eat well
Finally, you’ll see quicker and more noticeable results from any of these leg-toning methods if you change your eating habits along with your workout routine. Make healthier choices, stay away from fried foods, increase your intake of fruits and veggies, and all of your efforts will be worth it.
Stick to a routine and you’ll see results in no time! The great thing about being able to choose between so many different exercises is that you can mix up your routine in order to keep yourself from getting bored. Laziness and boredom are the number 1 killers of exercise routines, so do something different every day and not only will you get the toned legs you desire, but you’ll have fun getting them as well.

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