
Wednesday 18 June 2014

Protect Your Twin Set: Prevent Breast Cancer.

Protect Your Twin Set: Prevent Breast Cancer.

One in eight women will get breast cancer in her lifetime. But there are lots of incredibly easy ways to reduce your risk.

Girls. Ta-tas. Melons. Boobs. Call them what you want, just be sure to show them lots of love. And not only by swaddling them in sexy things from Victoria's Secret. New research shows that—along with following a healthy diet, keeping your weight in check, and getting regular preventive ob-gyn checkups—a host of simple lifestyle habits can seriously slash your breast-cancer risk. What's more, adhering to this advice is generally great for your body and could lead to less stress and a longer life. Bonus!
Nix the Night-Light
Sure, it might keep you from stubbing your toe on the way to the loo, but your night-light isn't doing your breasts any favors. Scientists have found a significant increase in breast cancer among women who work night shifts and, as a result, are exposed to a lot of light—particularly blue light—at night. Even the faint blue or green glow of an alarm clock might curb the body's natural production of melatonin, a sleep hormone that also plays a role in delaying the growth of cancerous cells, says oncologist David E. Blask, Ph.D., M.D., of Tulane University School of Medicine. Shut off or cover up all the lights in your bedroom (including stealth ones from your TV, Tivo, cell phone, or laptop) and, if there's ambient light from streetlamps or nearby buildings, invest in blackout shades to keep your Z's totally in the dark.
Get into Downward Dog
Sure, too much buoyancy can be annoying (e.g., your chipper coworker who's always upbeat), but the power of positive thinking goes well beyond a can-do attitude. Optimistic women may be 25 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who see the proverbial glass as half empty, according to new research from Ben-Gurion University in Israel. Why? Studies show that positive emotions can bolster the immune system. Amp up your outlook by doing weekly yoga or daily meditation; both have been proven to quell stress and improve mood.
Eat Smaller Meals
But eat more often (yes, you read that right!). When you shovel in too-hearty breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, you may be overloading on calories all at once and causing big blood-sugar spikes, says Weiss. "It's like putting your body on a roller-coaster ride that triggers a whole cascade of hormones that may interfere with breast cells," she says. Eating six modest meals a day (think: lots of fruits, veggies, legumes, and proteins like lean, fresh turkey) keeps your body running on healthy, steady fuel.
Keep a Mug Handy
Thanks to green tea's wealth of free radical–busting antioxidants and other phytochemicals, it packs a handful of serious preventive powers—possibly including the ability to ward off breast cancer, according to early research published in The Journal of Nutrition. In fact, researchers found that when the healthy brew was consumed regularly over a period of several years, it could help reduce breast-cancer risk by 40 percent. Start sipping!
Rough It Up
It's time to step up your fiber intake... yes, even though you're still young and spry. The digestion-friendly compound may be able to help the body correctly process estrogen, according to research in the International Journal of Cancer.
(Out-of-whack estrogen levels can leave the door open for breast cancer.) One study found that young women who ate 30 grams of fiber a day had half the breast-cancer risk of those who consumed fewer than 20 grams a day. Munch on more by incorporating foods such as lentils, black beans, lima beans, whole-grain breads, and fiber-fortified cereals into your diet.
Don't Go Grill Crazy
Attention, carnivores: Meat or fish that has been cooked at temps higher than 350°F—as is usually the case when food is grilled, panfried, broiled, or barbecued—can come with a nasty garnish. Extreme heat causes meat to produce chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCAs), known carcinogens that, when frequently ingested, may damage human DNA and may lead to breast cancer, says J. Scott Smith, Ph.D., a professor of food science at Kansas State University. Try to limit your intake of grilled foods, and reach into your herb garden when making marinades—new research shows that the antioxidants in fresh rosemary might be able to counteract the ill effects of HCAs.
Sip Alcohol Sparingly
Moderate drinking can help out your heart, but boozy beverages are almost always harsh on your girls. "Alcohol is one of the most consistent risk factors for breast cancer," says Polly Newcomb, Ph.D., head of cancer prevention at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. "It may increase women's estrogen circulation, which can allow hormone-sensitive cancer to develop." Research shows that women who consume 14 or more drinks a week (liquor, beer, or wine) increase their risk for breast cancer by 24 percent. Try to stick to just a few cocktails per week, and no more than one a day.
Double Down on D
By now, you've probably heard the buzz that vitamin D is essential for your bones, immune system, and mental health. Here's another news flash: It may also be critical in regulating breast cell growth, says oncologist Marisa Weiss, M.D., president and founder of (a nonprofit information center). In fact, studies show that breast cancer appears more often in women with low D levels. Ask your doctor to check yours; most physicians recommend aiming for 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day from food sources (OJ, yogurt, and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna) and supplements.
Nosh on a Waldorf Salad
It's good for your waistline and your boobs: Yup, certain salads can help kick your breast health into high gear. The green apples in a Waldorf salad, for example, contain disease-fighting compounds called phytochemicals that could block tumor growth in breast tissue and mammary glands, according to recent research from Cornell University. The omega-3 fatty acids in the same salad's walnuts have a similar effect. So order up and dig in to these breast-friendly foods when you can—just hold off on the heavy mayo dressing.
Open Your Windows
Surprisingly, inside air can be way more polluted than the stuff outside, thanks to fumes emitted by things like upholstery, carpeting, and paint. And according to the journal Cancer, those fumes may contain chemicals that could increase your breast-cancer risk. Don't take any chances: Air out your home by opening the windows at least once a day (even in winter), says Weiss. If you live in a smoggy city, be sure to swap out your AC filter once a month, and consider investing in a HEPA air purifier.

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