
Tuesday 27 May 2014


I weep deeply as I write this because we have allowed the banishment of childhood from this clan. I am pained because I remember albeit with nostalgia how we celebrated May 27 (Children's Day) with fanfare decades ago. Alas in today's Nigeria the Child is without a childhood.I have got tears in my eyes every so often that kids who should be at school approaches my car for alms. I have got tears when I see street kids hawking and fending for hapless families who should otherwise provide for them. I have got tears streaming down my cheek when I see the girl child lose her innocence to a vain Master who molests her as a maid.Yes the tears refuse to cease since leadership at all levels have refused to nurture the grail bearers of posterity. Tell me what future the child has in a clime that handles education with levity?Why wish happy CHILDREN'S DAY to the girl child forced into motherhood or maid-hood as her childhood is pillaged by a callous system. What about the boy child who is forced into fending for his family as a street urchin, a labourer or perhaps a pick pocket?My conscience forbids me to say Happy Children's Day to the Nigerian Child without a childhood. My commitment is to create for them a society that encourages, cherishes and nurtures childhood, such should be the resolve and the cross of all well meaning citizens.Let us spare a thought for the girls of Chibok. Let us spare a thought for the House boys and girls from Akwa Ibom and Cross Rivers. Let us spare a thought for Musa the Almajiri kid marooned to begging as his lot. Let us spare a thought for Aisha who is married out as a kid and made to believe that all she is created for is a man. Let us spare a thought for Kemi that adorable kid that wields a tray filled with Agege Bread or paraga (local gin) and trots miles unending to eke small monies for her indigent family. Sad.God help us..

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