Prince Almost Charming; The Always in Distress Damsel: 10 Secrets To Making Mr Wrong Oh So Right.
The 411 on Dating in LALA is that both
men and women are looking for people that don’t exist! Prince Almost
Charming is juggling so much booty he can barely keep names straight,
let alone be anyone’s knight in shining armor. The Always In Distress
Damsels, mostly-plastic mannequins, God bless their dear hearts, act
like they were dropped on their heads at birth and are stuck on the part
in the fairytale where they perpetually get rescued. The dragon is
going through hard times, just like all of us, and so no
matter how many swords slay his ass, he just falls over like a bad
actor and gets right back up again. Retirement during this recession is
not an option. The pages near the end of the book with the happily ever
after part have been vandalized by some unknown parties for reasons we
can’t fathom. We can only speculate. With all this said, there’s no
wonder it’s all starting to feel like a Grimm Fairytale. The sad part
is, we don’t even need an evil step mother or a witch to cast a bad
spell, we seem to have that control at national and global levels as
humans. So do we just throw in the towel and give up on love? Let some
bad plots in the story deter us? No! We work with the cards that life
dealt us! Here are 10 of the best kept secrets to Making Mr. Wrong oh so
#1. The 5-Something 6’2 Foot Dude.
so it’s glaringly obvious that he lied about his height when you are
towering over him at 5’7 . . . but hey, you probably don’t look that
beautiful in person without the airbrushing yourself, so give the dude a
break. He turned up for the date on time! He smells good and he is
dressed nicely. He is not bad to look at, and he even comes around to
open the door to his little hybrid for you. He has all his teeth, a
strong hairline to make up for a slightly weak chin . . . meet Prince
Almost Charming! Of course, chances are you had a bad day, princess,
like usual. The acting thing is not quite paying the bills . . . yet!
Something you almost cannot keep to yourself but curb your tongue. Do
not start the date by complaining or expecting much. Remember, we still
can’t locate Charming, so for now this is as good as it gets!
#2 He is Not Balling But Please No Eye Rolling!
dude’s father does not own half the kingdom of LALA like that other
chap in another story. But he isn’t dead broke either . . . he has a
pulse and he is choosing to share it with you. He is, at best, average.
He works hard and makes a living and can afford to ask you out with all
of your airs. The golden rule to dating during this man drought is to be
kind. Don’t order the most expansive thing on the menu, very much
knowing he is blowing an entire weeks salary to feed you sushi. A big
red flag is the guy who takes away your menu! Or the one who says “I’m
not hungry” and then proceeds to eat more than half the food on your
plate. I know, mopey princess, you did not dream about this as an
angelic little girl, and neither did you sign up for this date. There
doesn’t have to be a second. But if there is, ask him out for a romantic
picnic and make the sandwiches yourself at home.
#3 He Might Be Balding But It’s From Getting His PhD.
in slow motion into the arms of a man with a receding hairline is not
exactly the stuff that dreams are made of. However, that stuff must cost
a lot of money, and the manufacturer just filed for bankruptcy, because
here he is: Prince Almost Charming. He is punctual, well spoken, very
well organized and madly in love with you after just one date. Better to
be loved too fast than never to be loved at all. Who cares what your
pathetic little boyfriendless friends think? Just remind them how
brilliant he is. After all, the price of all that thinking is losing
some hair.
#4 He Might Be Dumb But He’s Not Dull!
what if Bill Gates dropped out of college? He dropped out of Harvard,
for one, and secondly, he had a vision for his life and proved it right.
But lets not diss Almost Prince Charming, we just met him! He stares at
you with child-like innocence. “The Twin Towers are gone? Shut up
dude!” Smile! Do you really want to date a guy who is so smart you’ll
feel dumb all the time? Everything out of his mouth reminds you of all
the things you love about life . . . the simple things, like how many
sit ups he did this morning, what he ate for lunch and who the Lakers
are playing tonight. He is a mental massage after a long, hard day of
work, and almost everything that comes out of his mouth is hilarious.
You could do a lot worse!
#5 He Can’t Make Your Bed Rock But Here is a Rock!
he flunked the Kama Sutra classes? He was learning to be rich and
powerful. He is solid, trustworthy, dependable and you can rock
ChinChilla. You are not a gold digger; only diamonds for this girl. You
literally stopped worrying the day you met him and your parents love
him. Think of the long term — you want kids and those buggers are not
#6 He Talks Too Much!
Awesome! Listen! You’ll learn a lot about him and you’ll catch any lies. Let him run his mouth, sit back and take notes!
#7 He Is A Mama’s Boy.
Lucky you! At least you know he respects women and eventually life will phase your mother in law out and he’ll be all yours.
#8 He Is An Ugly Duckling…But He Might Turn Into a Swan.
ugly has a cure. If he is too scrawny, get him to the gym. If he
dresses terribly, style his closet and help him make a worthy donation
to Salvation Army with anything you don’t like. Teeth . . . well, be
patient, nothing good braces over time can’t fix. Shave the unibrow and
pluck the stray hair from his ear and nose and viola! Prince Almost
Charming. “A votre service mademoiselle!”
#9 He Did Some Time That’s Not A Crime!
crime is what they busted him for, but that’s in the past now. There is
a reason we don’t have eyes in the back of our heads. Look forward.
#10 You Sent For Charming But You Got Dumpty! (Dedicated to Franny who is no longer my Manny!)
guess some clever plastic surgeon did a damn good job putting him back
together because here he is, larger than life! Wait! Before you blow him
off, not-so-perfect lil missy, take a deep breath. Your parents raised
you better than that! This guy could be the biggest catch! He studied
while the jocks did jock things. He had no girlfriends, so he worked his
ass off to prove a point to women in general. He is picking you up in a
classic collector’s item car and taking you to a restaurant whose name
you can’t pronounce. He has no problem with shopping sprees, and he
hangs on every word you say. He is ordering you a glass of Cristal, not
Crystal . . . and look how kind his eyes are. And if he asks you what
you love about him, be honest. Tell him no-one has ever treated you like
a real princess before in your life. He will bring you the world on a
silver platter along with some french fries for himself on the side. At
first glance, no other woman will be interested in him. This just might
be Mr Wrong Gone Oh So Right! You lucky fish
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