
Friday, 13 June 2014

4 Signs of a bad Boss.

4 Signs of a bad Boss.

If you have a nightmare of a boss, oftentimes it will affect your life beyond office hours.
Like Merideth Ferguson, co-author of  a  study conducted by Baylor University, calls it, the "spillover effect," it means one's work life also affects one's marriage and other intimate relationships.
"Most people quit supervisors; they don't quit jobs," said Ferguson, assistant professor of management at Utah State University, in the study.
Here are signs you have a terrible boss.
1. Your boss is never, ever wrong.
Learning to admit that you're wrong is one of the best things you can do for your colleagues. If your boss refuses to admit that they're wrong, this means they're not willing to go out of their comfort zone for you.
2. Their feedback isn't relevant.
Do you feel like you've gained nothing after receiving feedback from your boss? Is it so vague that it's not helpful? Your boss may either be unsure of what to tell you, meaning they're not equipped for the job, or they don't want to tell you anything useful.
You boss could be withholding information in order to have some kind of advantage. This person is not a team player.
3. Your boss has favorites.
This will cloud their ability to recognise your skills and the value you add to the company. They also fail to see that they're treating you unfairly.
4. They're quick to blame you for mistakes, but rarely express gratitude when you succeed.
Does your boss put you down in front of others? If you let it go once, it'll happen over and over again. Good bosses know they should have this conversation with their employees in private

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