
Thursday, 12 June 2014

Tip For A Longer And Healthier Hair using Eggs.

Tip For A Longer And Healthier Hair using Eggs.

Here's another reason why eggs should still be around us. It helps your hair glow!
We all love our eggs right? From the side dressings, to our actual salad, scrambled, plain etc. but guess what? Our hair loves them too. It does wonders for the hair.
Chemicals, hot irons/flat tongs all weaken the hair, they damage the hair of the necessary proteins they are made up of. When this keep re-occurring it is affects the strength of the hair making it break and eventually it becomes weak and unhealthy.
 If the hair is unhealthy, it won’t grow to the desired length ladies would love- as much as ladies won’t admit, they want long, healthy hair.
Protein (which eggs are rich in) treatments can over time help replace the protein lost from the hair restoring them back to ‘good health’.
A protein treatment can be made right in the comfort of your home, after washing your hair, add an egg to your favourite hair conditioner and apply the mixture to your hair, leave it in for about an hour, rinse and then style as usual.
 This egg treatment is very effective in restoring damaged hair back to health, it reduces breakage and hair goes fuller, thicker, healthier and strengthens it after a couple of this treatment. You should try it.

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