
Friday, 13 June 2014

What is a ‘spornosexual’? It's the new wave of metrosexuals, journalist writes .

What is a ‘spornosexual’? It's the new wave of metrosexuals, journalist writes .

Mark Simpson, who introduced us to the 'metro-sexual' 20 years ago, now has a new way of characterizing dudes super-concerned about their appearance.

David Beckham could be the poster boy for spornosexuals.
David Beckham could be the poster boy for spornosexuals.
You've heard of the metrosexual. Now, meet the “spornosexual.”
The new term embodies the modern day man who's often at the gym workin' on his fitness. He's chiseled, tanned and hot. He prefers to spend his time, and his money, on his physical upkeep. And he doesn't shy away from showing off his results.
Think David Beckham going shirtless whenever possible, British TV star Dan Osborne posting bathtub selfies on Instagram and any Equinox model who's ever existed. Like metrosexuals, they're usually found in urban areas.
Real Madrid's Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo fits the description as well.
Real Madrid's Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo fits the description as well.
Journalist Mark Simpson introduced "metrosexual" into the lexicon 20 years ago. Now, writing in the Telegraph, he said that metrosexuals are a dime a dozen — and their evolution points to spornosexuals. Now, the focus is less on the clothes, more on the bodies, which Simpson calls their “ultimate accessories."
The term comes from the combination of "sport" and "porn," as in, he writes, "sport got into bed with porn while Mr. Armani took pictures."

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